There's a first time for everything.

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So okaay, I know what you're thinkin, you're prolly wonderin what the fuck happened to my car. So this is the time, the only time ! That I will sit and explain carefully about my actions, haha. So on monday, I worked that 1-10pm shift. I was on my way home and was sittin there thinkin to myself if alla the procedures they gave me were done and checked off my checklist. As I was goin up a hill I suddenly noticed the white acura infronta me jerk off to the right hella fast, for that instant second I couldn't really process in my mind wtfuck was goin on til I saw a big black box in the middle of the freeway. AND YEHNNOE, I thot it was just a fuckin box that would easily be pushed off to the side by my car and I sure as fuck wasn't gona jerk to side like the otha car did cus I had two big trucks on each of my sides. But maaan, as I got closer to what looked like a box, I came to realize that it was a damn COUCH IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FREEWAY, so what happened you ask ? I ran into a couch -_- I hit it pretty hard but the funny thing is, it didn't leave a dent in my car or nothin, it looks like it cut through my damn bumper !

So I waited for the right time to pull off to the side to look at it and when I did, I began to panic hella bad cus I thot my brother was gona be hella mad about what happened. Cus when he first gave me the car he told me, "if anything happens to the car you better tell me and not hide it from me" so therefore, he was the first person I called. I told him I was gona stop by his house to show him the damage that happened to my car. As he examines the fucked up bumper on my car, he asks, "what the hell did you run into again?" and I tell him that it was a couch, and he goes, "wtfuck I thought you said you ran into a cow!" hahahahaha. Wtfuck tho, why the hell would a cow be inda middle of the freeway, but then again, why the hell would a couch be in the middle of the freeway right ? but inda end, my brother wasn't mad about it, he was just glad that I already got insurance and said, "shit happens" haha. So it was coooo. My poor, poor car tho ! :(

On thursday I got the day off specifically to see my girls graduate and to have that reunion part two wid my 08fam. So I left sac around 10ish inda morning and headed to swoop my ticket from my foreverbitch claw and then she had to go get ready for big day so I went to carlas house real quick cus my hair and my makeup wasn't did so I had to fix that. We ended up havina rush shit for a second for her friend cus I guess carla had her shit. We fucked wid the all beef hotdogs at 711 before hittin up the graduation cus we were hungry as fuck. Im hella mad tho ! All day I was thinkin that it was prolly gona be the same as it was last year and that they weren't gona allow signs but when I got there, I saw signs everywhere ! I was hella sad ! But iss coo. I made a sign wid their whackass itinerary that they gave out and put that shit to work cus they had a blank page inda back of the book so it was cooooo. Saw my girl claw and amanda walk. They was hella giggin down the isle as they got their diplomas, it was hella funny. After I had to go meet up wid the vallejo stopher niggas. Hahaha, chilled wid them for a bit. My nigga edrick hooked it up wid a cd cus my shit was all outta whack and my sassy baby was in dire need of a new slap in the whip. So I was slappin The Jacka all day. Hahaha. After that, I went to claw's house to eat and spend time wid her and her fam since it sure has been hella long since I seen my girl ! Then we hit up tapex for the tasty ass monster icy drink wid green apple jelly since that tapex is the only place that makes it. Mmmm, mmm, mmm.

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Then ! I had to hit up hogans grad. Good thing I met up wid some people or else I woulda had to sit by my damnself since the stopher niggas were takin forever. Damn tho, there were double the amount of people sittin in the stadium at hogans grad. But it sucked tho cus aint nobody was giggin down the stage like bethels. WEAAAAKK. Hahaha, it was coo tho, a couple bitches tripped and my nigga tyler hit the backflip cus he was just so damn happy to get his diploma you feeeel. Otha than that, their grad was cooo.

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That night I hit up jeralenes lil grad party and it was coooo. I was there for a minute, catchin up wid folks and just chillin while I watched jeralene and her mammy get faded. Hahahaha. As I was leaving, more people were comin but it ended up bein pretty coo. Around midnight, I went over to suisun and chilled wid my 08loves. I missed them. I swear we always have stories and stories to tell eachother, cus ofcourse, we barely ever see eachother. That night ended wid playin superstition games and such. Seen the rattle snake drank that my nigga tai got made outta real rattle snake ! Ahhh. Hahaha. But that shit is supposed to make you live longer or somethin. It was dope. Man tho ! I didnt even leave the sevohsav til like 1am ! and i didnt even get home til like 230 am. AND i had work at 10am. shit was craaazy, but it was all gee. my coworkers gave me some good laughs that day and kept me at my toes. my coworkers are crackin as fuck. I LOVE IT !

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Today is Sunday. Yesterday and friday, I worked. Nothin exciting happened. I still never got my review to get my raise, but I should be gettin it tmrw so im pretty excited about that. I swear this year is goin by so fast. SLOW DOWN ! Hahah. Goodness. Everythings peachy tho. Aint nothin to complain about, as of right now to say the least (: til next time ! Deuces !