True lies. This is for you boys.

To all men: If a girl doesn't trust you, doesn't have faith in your relationship, or is over protective in everything you do, then leave her. Yeah you deserve better. But if you guys constantly argue over little things, about who gets to eat the last chicken wing on the plate or who gets to use the remote this time to change the channel, AND THEN YOU CHEAT ON HER ?! Then that just makes you a coward. A boy, not a man, that is afraid to face the true facts on love. Women don't deserve to be cheated on. With as hard as we love, we deserve some decency to be treated like queens. Someone who doesn't even have to think twice. A sure thing. Be the man at the altar that can honestly say you love your woman without havin to think of alla 5+ women you "coulda, woulda" had something with. Never be the man who lost his value by sharing your "goodies" with numbers of women. A true wifey type chick doesn't deserve that. A woman with high-value and especially with a good quality of love and good quantity of understanding deserves a gentleman. A true man. Don't be the man that leaves a woman because you met some downgrade and then sees her ten years later, more happy than ever. Which makes you begin to wonder, what if ? Though it may seem rough and shaky at times, you grow stronger by being able to accomplish obstacles that have to do with love. Be the man that appreciates a real woman. Be proud of what you got. And feel blessed with the woman God blessed you with. In the end, when the two of you are old, grown, durin your 50th wedding anniversary and talkin about when you guys were together at such a young age and you've gotten this far ? You'll start a rare generation. Fight for that generation. Fight for a love so true.