
Jazzy's debut pictures are up ! YAY. I musta been so patient for these damn pictures but hey, they are fuckin cuuuute. Okaay so anyways, I hate that I have my moody times. I hate that I push people away. I guess it's just cus I never really had anything so forsure that i'm afraid to lose it ? I become bitter and mean, stubborn and hardheaded. I guess you could say that. I hate that I have a fuckin menstrual cycle and I have to go through this "thinkin too much" bullshit. But whatevssssssss. I have those superpeople who put up wid me, thank god. Cus honestly, i dont know how they do it. Today, I didnt do a daaaamn thing. Allllll I practically did, was stay home, clean clean clean like the cinderella type that I am ! And all that nice shit. I have a million songs stuck in my head. It's my serious, unrelying addiction that I seriously cant get rid of. If I could be anything in this world, I'd be a music note. NO LIE. Hahaha, okaay nevermind that was gay as fuck. But I cant help it if I love music. I even love my doggy mochi. Cus when I sing to her, she listens, sits on my laugh, and stares at me. I love her so much, we took her to taco bell wid us, and even walmart ! People mighta stared a couple times but who caaares. I've been craving candy for some reason. And my favorite candy in the whole wide world WAS NOT there at the store earlier. I was utterlly disappointed.

I swear tho, there is a sick virus goin around cus everyone and their fathers are gettin sick. And it is no joke. Even my poor bestfriend Denny thas in mormonville right now is sick, nooooo ! It traveled like the, what did he say ? "The sisterhood of the travelin pants" or someshit ? Hahah, that was hella gay Denny and I hope you're readin this. Okaay so I'm 18 years old. It is mid-september and I am already writing my christmas list. WHO CARES, kill me now, and screw yourself. Tahaaaa. And I totally cant wait for my f21 package to come through cus I hella love the hat that I bought. Muahahaha. I love shoppin online cus it allows me to sit and home and disclude the aching pain I get from walkin around at the mall.

Mannnnnnnnnnnn, I wish I went to schoo this semester. I wish I had REAL parents to take care of me, instead of a mom that only cares for herself. I wish I didnt havta fully support myself, but I'm 18 now. I have to. So in that case, schoo isnt in my vocabulary til January and work has me workin like a businesswoman even tho I hate hate hate it. I miss schoo and I miss having homework. I miss those times when people call me and I'll be like, "I'll call you back later ! I'm doin my homework !" Damnit. Now when they call, I have to make up an excuse, like i'm using the ladies room or something. Whatever, this blog is long. For absolutely, NO REASON and it is 3am.

PS- I love you Brian Smith. Even tho we're not official. Just know that I hate that I cant truly say that you're my boyfriend cus we're "fixin" things right ? Dont give up on me no matter how confusing I am and how frustrated you get wid me. I know I may be young but my love for you is growin each day no matter what. Even tho we have our times, dont let me go. And no matter what joke I tend to make up that prolly has you thinkin i'm talkin to another guy, dont believe it. I say that shit to get a reaction, which is wrong. Just know that I love you. Okaay ?