
Goina work today felt so relievin, especially since I was able to get out the house.

I freal didnt get no kinda sleep last night, cus I even woke up hella upset. What the fuck, ever. When I got home, I didnt even care whatsoever. But that doesnt mean that it wasnt on my mind. I hate havin so much built inside. But honestly, what could I have done ? I did everything I could on my part. And one little thing caused justa big situation. fdjhfjhfjkghfdkjghkjhgjhfdjk !

Fuckit, I'm not even gona hold onta somethin that shouldnt even be worth shit to me. Shit happens. I love my brothers tho, freal. They're all I got and all I need. Even tho we fight and say fucked up ass things, we still faaaamily. And they're all the family I need. Moms and my grandparents too. Other than that, iunevencare. Straight up.

After a talk wid my brother, I was coo. Man, I straight up look up to my brother. ON EVERYTHING. When I let some more frustration out, b showed up at my house. At the RIGHT, PERFECT time too. Ahhhh. That boy always knows howta make me smile. And I love when he agrees wid me wid things (: and sleepover's are always coo ! (: we gota go to sleep now. I got work at 9am ! ): I cant stand these 8 hour shifts mayn. But whatevaaa, if i was ever addicted to anything, iss my well EARNED money.

PS- some bitches stole hella jeans from the store, what some broke ass bitches. Taha ! Note: No money, no swag. Esp those stolen merchandise havin hoes. Damn, I always feel good goin shoppin knowin that I worked hard for my shit. Anyways, i'm thinkin bout movin eastcoast, this westcoast lifestyle aint workin wid me and I aint triena fucks wid it nomore. Nighhhhhhhhhht.