
I really do blog too much. But who gives a fuck, this my shit ! I say what I say. Wheneva, whereva. And im watchin "Meet the browns" anyways, which btw is a funny ass, good, muthabitchin movie that I've watched literally 10+ times. So I gaaat tiiime.

Tell me why I just got off the phone wid char and there's never a dull moment. Weell, maybe when we sleepin cus you feel me, WE'RE FUCKIN SLEEPING. But damn, I never thot we'd be this damn close. Great minds think alike and char is my greatest main bitch doeee.

Ughhh, but can I just say, **don't you hate it when people get so caught up wid the hype and start feelin themselves too much they lose touch wid who they really are ? CUS I DO ! Bitches really don't get it. They can't define who themselves are nowadays, wtfuck is wrong wid that ? EVERYTHING. These girls that think bout when's the next time they gon get some dick besides when's the next time they gon TAKE A MUTHAFUCKIN SHOWER, would be caaaalled ? A silly ass sickass hoe. Damn, they can't check they shit one time ? Be real one time ? I think the top reason for why iss hard for me to get close to people cus I've suffered many friendships wid girls who've changed into somethin I didn't wana become. Girls who STAY worryin bout "what's that niggas name" or "ooo, that nigga is fine !" damn really ? Can we just talk bout politics one time ? Or talk about shoppin or yehnnoe why green tea is GREEN !? Fuck. I always had guyfriends but nothin more than that title. I never put myself into a vulnerable position like that. And once you get a reputation of a sickass HOE, it sticks witchu maaan. And that shit aint coo. They never been on the outside lookin in, they always into that one minded type shit.

Anyways ! Enough bout bitches. Im sicka that shit. I know which girls I could stick wid for the resta my life and which bitches that I shouldn't be fuckin wid ever again. ON THAT NOTE: I can't waaait to go ona vacay for spring break, iss really what im yearnin for. I stayed at the schoohouse today to finish my math homework online cus I wanted to practice for my stupid ass exam tomorrow, but I wasn't really feelin it. I managed to do as many questions I could to geta 85% score on as my chapter grade and left it at that. I coulda stayed to do more, but I wanted to go home. To go home to do what exactly ? Nothin in particular. Hahaha.

Man, I needa get out there and start actually talkin to people out here in sac to chill wid. I don't do shit out here besides work, go home. Go to schoo, go home. Chill wid family, go home. Or chill wid brian, spend the nizzight wid him and then go home. Pretty boring stuff ! Sac is sucha different ass world tho, at least thas how I feel. If I lived inda city, or back in the bay, whichever, it'd be all bad. But it sucks cus I wanted this in highschoo. To get faaaar away from everyone else. Iss coo tho, cus it'll all pay off inda long run. Okaay, okaay. My tiny ass fingas hurt. Ima try to download "why did I get married" onto my laptop. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THAT MOVIE, YOU FUCKIN SHIT UP ! Watch. that. movie <333333