
Let me try to remember ...

Thursday: class was hella gay. I didnt even havta go to my damn first class. But then i still had to go to my lab and then my careers class. wait, nah even in my careers class we didnt even do shit ! so the whole day i was inda maclab readin up about hella research and shit for my project. WHY I GOT HOMEWORK FOR SPRING BREAK. thas some fucked up ass shit. but whatevs. schoo was hella gay. and nobody was there cus THEY WAS SMART and started their spring break early. hahah, fuck.


but tell me why when i was walkin to my 1pm class, there was this THUG ass nigga wearina TOTE BAG. [as pictured above] hahahaha. what the fuck. that shit was hella random and so i was hella laughin triena get a decent picture of this wierd ass dude.

FRIDAY: I went to work :( hahaha. as always. baby came to visit me and work during my lunch and bought me wingstop and flowers :) he had work too later on that day so when i got off work we werent gona be able to chill sooo, yeah.


but then right after work i went home and was triena figure out how the fuck i was gona finish his card cus then i added picture and shit to it AND THEN i wanted to add more, so what was i gona do, make another card ? hell nah. I made that shit like a book. hahaha ... kinda. iss cute tho. ANYWAYS. After baby got off work, we wenta davis cus then my babygirls monica and melissa had a party.


and let me just say, that night consisted of 151, bacardi, captain morgan and some otha shit. which ended in, digested pasta and whatever the fuck else they ate on the floor, on the couch and made trails and trails everywhere. GROSS ! hahaha, nah it was a coo ass night tho. hella bad cus im sucha lightweight that i was gone after 4 shots. terrible ! i used to be able to drink 18 shots. but naht nomore ! hahaha. issall good tho. that night was hella chill. baby and i didnt end up leavin til like 4am cus then he had work and i had work. woke up at like 8ish and he took me home.

SATURDAY: work was so gaaay. i had to work that 1-10. fml. but whatevaaaaa. that night i went to davis and chilled wid maaah babygirls and bestfriend. we watched seven pounds which btw is a crackin ass movie. iun give a fuck what nobody say, my nigga will smith is the shit.


we was chillin inda dorm lounge and then alla the sudden we see the firefighters comin in, triena open the damn elevator and HELLA heads came out. i was like, ahh hell nah. i would NOT wana get stuck ina damn elevator for hella long waitin for someone to get me the fuck out. i would scream so damn loud so the damn elevator system would somehow get sick of me and just bust that shit open on iss own gahdamn self. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. nah but anyways ! after we wenta jackindacrack and got they crackin ass tacos and went to cuarto to watch wall-e and make facebook videos. hahaha. i love my bestfriend ! hmm, the next morning denny took me home.

SUNDAY: yesterday i had work from 12-630 and then after i went to my brothers house cus they was havina BBQ at his house, ona sunday !? for what you ask ? FOR NO DAMN REASON. just cus they felt like it. hahaha, i guess. iss coo tho cus the food was hella crackin. i love for the fact that my brother married a vietnamese woman cus their food is hella good. hahaha. baby came and my brother was playin streetfighter IV. therefore, YOU KNOWWW they was on that shit together. damnit. hahaha. nah and then baby put it on trainin mode and my nephew thought he was playin, gettin all excited, jumpin around and shit.


TODAY: i had work this mornin from 830am-115 and then smashed to my house cus baby and i had to go to davis for his friend TJ's birthday lunch at fujis. after we went to the memorial union and then met up wid lauren, monica and susie. after baby and his friends were done, we headed to monicas dorm and was cuttin it up in her dorm room, hahahaha. nah it was coo tho. we just chilled and talked that girltalk, yehnnoe the usual. then we fucked wid the walk towards the little shopping plaza. it was lightweight hot today. tell me why i was wearin black jeans and a white tee and so my bottom half was hot but my upper half was cooo. hahaha, the fuck !


went to dinner at the DC at 7pm and was there for hella long, talkin about friday night and how everyone was fucked in the ass fucked up ! baby got a call bout some trouble at his house so we had to leave and stopped by safeway in davis cus i had to geta money order for my bills. and their CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS ASS ! stupid ass bitches took forever and they shit is NOT crackin. how you not gon have good customer service AT THE customer service desk. the fuck. i shoulda burnt their damn store down. hahahahahaha. but after that, i had to drop that off and then smashed babys house.

the scariest shit happened tho ! we exited from the freeway and then this bigass big rig tried turnin ona yellow light and so brians car was in the right lane. and then the fuckin big asssssss thing WAS SO DAMN CLOSE to brians car, i was so fuckin scaaared cus i really thought that shit was gona hit brians car. stupid ass truck drivers. GET OFF THEM DRUGS ! >:[ fjhfjklsdhgjksdhfkhgjka. oh yeah, so our spring break LA trip is cancelled in which im highly upset cus i've been plannin to really do that shit since like a month or two ago. but iss whateveer cus ima get myself pampered, cash out ona shoppin spree and make it rain at the spa and get my massage, naails did and toesies did. hahaha, fucks wid iiiit. cus i know after alla my hardwork i deserve to spoil myself wid somethin nice.

spring break tho.. damn. issall good i guess cus cuddies are plannin on goina stinson beach and santa cruz in which im bouta fucks wid that cus all i wana do is see some damn water for once, insteada boring ass land ! hahaha. but maaan iss only monday. the start of my spring break. lord only knows what he got in store for me this week =)

summertime tho, issall bad. iun give a flying fuck. im goin somewhere extravagant. and i put that on moms.