dzamn, for some reason i havent been inda mood to blog to tell you nosey ass fucks about my life. but hahahah, i'm here now ! so summer vacation is IN ACTION breh ! hella relieved. finals was a piece of caaake. got A's in all three of my classes. finals was a bitch but i got through it okaay. jugglin between work, schoo, studyin was a hassle and i sweaaahhh it took up most of my time so bad that i barely got to sleep :( kuwuwa. but iss whatever now. shit is over and done wid. YALREADY KNOW ! now lets hope i actually get some time to actually have a damn summer vacation. damnit. work is really sweatin me. tmrw was supposed to be my day off, but now im scheduled, meanin ima be workin everyday this week. wtshit. and on saturday we gon have a fatass sale !? damn breh. not cooooooo. at all doe. rockets lost. to who ? THE FUCKIN LAKERS -_- fuck the lakers. i'm sowwee, they weak. they just so happened to get lucky. whatevs tho.

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Wifey's goin to the philippines for too fuckin long - a month. ima be fuckin sad. i thought nobody gets left behind huh !? well bitch ! you're leavin me ! hahahaha. nah i'm kidding.

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baby and i drove alla way to vallejo ona sunday afternoon cus it was his day off and i got off early so we went to go chill wid his sweet sweet grammy. and then went to run some errands wid his mommy. costco, target, foodmax and alla that otha shit. fairfield=squarefield. puahaha !

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we went to claimjumpers for my niggas robbies 18th birthday, which is hella funny cus i had my 18th birthday there too. it was coo. tell me why i really went bad on the server cus they forgot to give baby his cornbread muffin. hahahaha, i felt bad. BUT I MEAN, how you gon forget a small ass item like that !? its just cornbread. goodness ! it was lightweight funny tho. we had a crackin ass time considering the fact that we had two big tables and were the loudest inda whole entire restaurant. wootin and hollerin and makin screamin sounds and shit. it was theee funniest.
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went to staples since baby got me on the employee discounts and got me anotha drawer thingy for my supplies. aye tho, tell me i dont fucks wid two bluetooths tho ! got the pink and the silver. whas good. hahahaha, i found the pink one at work onda floor, finders keepers bitch ! hahahah. MY JERMS ! swooped on it and sanitized that shit and worked wid it. yalready know.
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found my G keychain that baby got for me from disneyland when he went last year :) offtop.

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copped the dvd and music cd's at staples once again cus i had to get rid of them coupons before they expired. someone make me a CD tho ! nah but i needa get the ipod cord installed for my car. cus the radio, NOT CRACKIN. old ass cds from like 5 years ago, some crackin. SOME NAHT.
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his and hers. we cute. thas it for now tho bitches. i really dont got much to talk about cus theres hella days i missed. and i refuse to sit here and think about what the fuck i did. hahahahah. so this is what you get. DEAL WID IT :) see you bitches later !