20 months of pure bliss.

Saturday: So at work. I had to work 2-10. It was coo. It was lightweight busy tho cus we had a sale. But at the enda the night, I was leavin to go on my last break, FROM A LONG DAY AT WORK. And this crazy ass psychotic fat bitch stops me when I open the employee door and starts bitchin to me bout how she's lookin for this dress and how she can't find it in her size and ME BEINA NICE SALES ASSOCIATE THAT I AM, I tried to help her but she was triena get off and was like, forget it go ahead and go on your break ... blah blah blah and was triiiippin and everything. And so I just walked off and started laughin cus she was really trippin hella hard off a cheapass dress. And so I asked my manager to get someone to help her. And she walked over towards her and the lady starts crying and shit. Wtfuck, really ?! I was laughin. Frustrated ? Hahaha, pmsing ?! Daaaamn. And okaay every employee has to get checked to make sure we don't have anything whenever we walk out the store and so I walked over to my manager that was helpin mrs. crybaby and the lady looked at me and was like, "I don't need you're help, you can just go" wtfuck !? I musta looked at that bitch so crazy. Told her I wasn't even triena help her anyways, I was just gettina leave approval from my manager. Omg, if you're reading this and you'd had a moment like that, DO NOT COME INTO MY STORE. I hate it when bitches as weell as men try to come into the store and treat us like shit just cus we're supposed to cater to their every want, but I refuse to help some disrespectful ass person. My company is the one thas puttin clothes ON YOUR BACK. And if for some reason we can't help you, YO ASS MIGHT AS WELL BE SHOPPIN ONLINE. Goodness ! I've never had sucha disrespectful assss customer like that. I wanted to slap her for such nonsense that was comin outta her mouth ! But iss coo, I remembered she's the one thas got the problem, Not I =) Hahaha.

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Sunday: I had work in the morning. And I had some lessons about managing the store and how it felt to supervise everyone and alla that. It was coo. Its a bigass step wid hella responsibility. But iss good. I ended up havina stay longer cus we had hella more stuff to do that needed to be done. After I went home exhausted cus maaan, its tough ass work havina do hella shit within a short amounta time. Got ready and we went to vallejo. I was hella cranky cus I was tired as fuck. At first we went to fairfield to see his grammy. Whom I love ! And then we went to vallejo to see his mom but she wasn't home. But damn, baby was hella trippin when bestfraynd juice called me. And the shit he was sayin got me pissed as fuck. Long story but whatevs tho ! That shit lightweight ruined my day. After vallejo, we went back to fairfield and just chilled wid his grandma the whole time and kept takin naps while he went to costco and alla that shit. I ignored that fool the whole time. I was gettin upset for the fact that I kept fallin asleep so I let him know we needed to go home, and in the car, he kept triena talk and shit but I was naahhht havin it. Im really stubborn man, you can't get me mad and expect me to suddenly be coo witchu a couple hours later. Thas just how I am. As soon as we got home, I took a shower and then I was triena go to sleep ... baby crawled in. AND BAM ! We was good ;) hahahahaha. If yaknowwhadimean.

Monday: I had to work at 1-10pm. It was lightweight slow yet steady so I had time to do helllaaaa shit to get the store back into good shape. Hella got me exhausted ! I was supposed to have another interview for this position at work, but iss reschedule for tmrw since me and my managers had hella different thangs to take care of. Nothing exciting happened at work, as usual. Hahaha, nah it has its daays.

Tues: BAD/GOOD DAY. i'm not really good at arguing towards a person that i love. at work, there was a contest for their Old Navy cards. And there were two girls that had hella of their names in the box and i only had one, and outta alla the entries, guess who won. I DID. $25 target giftcard, you love me dont you :)

Wed: Happy one year and 8 months brian scott smith. even tho we drive eachother crazy. i swear i wouldnt be in this position wid anyone else, but you.

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its just like i told you last month,

"Dear baby.

Hahaha, its been 19 long months and look at us now. More mature with a stronger love than I could have ever imagined. I could tell you how much I love you more than a ba-jillion times in my life but it would never amount to how much I truly and genuinely love you babe. When I'm down you always know exactly what to do. And tho I maybe triena play sometimes by pushin you away or act like I don't want you to hold me or give me kisses, I wouldn't wana be in this position wid anyone else in this world, BUT YOU. I wouldn't ever in my lifetime love anyone else as much as I love you cus what we have cannot be explained baby, but everyday we define what it is to really be in love. And I've heard it left and right that people look up to our relationship. Yehnnoe I never really understood why til I realized how much we've been through together but we're still here, together. Cus we're in this. TOGETHER. Its not just you, its not just me. Its both of us, workin at this to make this work. You're worth the trouble baby. I swear this to you. You mean everything to me and you're more than what I'd ever want ina man. Love, support, comfort, a getaway, faith, loyalty, truth. See, all those words came into life form through you baby. I'm happy I somehow ended up wid you after alla these years wid these stupid fools in the past. Cus after you baby ? There is no upgrade. There is no such thing as "something better." All I'll ever need, is you in my life to help me live longer and love better. 87 long years baby. "Nobodys gona love me better, ima stick wit you forever" Mwuah. From my heart, body, soul, and mind, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. -Khristine Behney"

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So today i had to go to work for this leadership meeting and found out that I got the Acting Operations Manager position :) but its only gona be for three months, which is hella wsup cus its exactly what i wanted. cus i'm gona be goin back to schoo inda fall yehnnoe. but iss coo cus during the season there's gona be another position open for me to fill in when Naseem, this girl that originally is the Operations Manager, comes back. Cus she's in london for the summer. I was pretty stoked today. I know its gona be intense as fuck, but i'm hella ready for the work and the challenge. I always knew i had the right positive motive to get to a higher position rather than just beina normal sales associate or a cash handler. CMON NOW. its gona get crazy. my workload is gona multiply by like 100x, but i swear i wouldnt have it any other way. makin ends meet just doesnt fit for me, i love to excel. they called me Ms. Over Achiever for a reason, damnit.