Time'sa waistin.

July 27th, 6:15pm.

July 28th, 3:05am.
"If he's not makin you happy, there's always that one particular someone that GOD chose that will make you happy, go beyond the limits and climb mountains, patience will guide you."

July 29th, 7:52pm.
"If you're not makin him happy, let him be. Let him explore what it feels like to not have you try anymore. Don't force love or think love can conquer, but its not always certain that it can overcome 'all' obstacles. And if someone else ends up makin him happy, be happy for him" first and foremost forgiving is easy, but the only hardest part is lettin go.

Okaaay ! Enough wid these breakup stories. Im heeeella happy. I can honestly explain every aspect and reflect on how much I love brian. We genuinely love eachother. The best thing about us, is that we're like the best of friends and we love one another for who we are and what we're about. We're not selfish and do everything together. We laugh together, struggle together, laugh together, the whole nine. And its weird cus even after what ... almost two years, I can still talk about brian and get butterflies from how he makes me feel. Truth be told, he's not always the most affectionate or the best at expressing his feelings, but in alla his actions, he gives me security, support and love all in one. And thas all I've ever needed. Wid brian and I, we BOTH give and receive our loyalty and time, equally. Understandin is one of our strong points in this relationship. And we've pretty much been through it all. The insecurities, the arguements, the emotional breakups, the throwin-things-at-eachother [when all we wanted was a simple kiss], the cries out for eachother, the breath-takin moments and the best ones that change your entire life. The thing that I love, is that we both got common sense. Stupidity just doesn't come to mind when it comes to our love. I know what makes brian mad, brian knows what makes me mad. And we've learned that through the tough months and crucial times. And let me tell you, we've been through some cruuuuucial ass times. But Brian is a man, I'm a woman. We respect eachother and set the pride aside for one another everyday. We're like a womb that was cut deep. And we're forever scarred, wid the love we've created <3

July 30, 155am.
So its wierd how after hella years, you end up findin yourself wid the most random people you'd ever think you'd end up wid. In highschoo, I never stuck wid a certain group and stayed loyal to a certain handfulla friends. I was coo wid alota people, I had a new close friend almost every month and then changed up my interests wid another close friend, but yet i hated some bitches, didn't care for some people, but yet made a lifetime of memories in highschoo wid almost everyone somehow, someway. And I don't regret anything in highschoo. I got my respect I needed, kept my distance from some but got hella close to a selected few. But its been a year since I've graduated and I find myself chillin wid people that I never thot I'd kickit wid. Some who I'd never think to be close to. But there's nothin wrong wid that :D But today as I was drivin home, I realized how much I hate that I'm so conservative, I keep to myself cus throughout my entire childhood, trust never came easy to me. I know I have a strong sense of judgement. And that I have high expectations, not to mention my high maintenance mentality. I just expect alot from anyone and everyone when it comes to me givin someone else my time, but then I can adjust to any type of crowd and get along wid almost anyone, make sense ? Im just one indecisive wreck and I need to stop. There are times when I come off as a bitch and people think im just some stuck up ass asian chick and only worries about herself. Nah, nah. Its not even like that. I grew up and TAUGHT MYSELF to look out for noone else but me due to the tough circumstances I've been through. But in reality, if you know me inside and out, I care for everyone else before myself, which takes up alla my energy and time. Im dedicated and committed to havin someone say they can count on me. But maaan, I was waaay to young when I was introduced to independency, all I ever knew was to depend on myself. But inda end, my girls get me through it all. And I give them my truest acknowledgement for havin me whenever I needa vent session. I may not have a set groupa bestfriends, but I got numerous amounts of love and support from a fatass mob of girls throughout almost every damn area code. And wid each and every individual, our friendship is locked wid a tough, solid foundation. But damn, college, work and triena keep up wid myself is exhausting. I wish I had the time like I used to have. There's just not enough hours inda day for me to let alla my girls know how much I appreciate them. But here, it's true. To my girls, I love youuuuuu !