Dr. Phil ? They call me the female version.

So summer comes and its the same story for almost... everyone. The love they trusted ends with a downfall of disappointments and just becomes one big dysfunctional emotion streak. And its not like its just ONE of my girls goin through it, alot are. And who ends up hearin about it alla time ? Ofcourse I. And the thing is because, I've experienced what it is to have someone dip in and outta your life just cus summer rolled around. And the first thing that always comes to mind when June-July hits is the joy of bein single. I remember once a upon a time [okay not that long ago] i went through the saaame thing. But guess what, he came back. Unexpectedly I should add, but he DID come back. Looks to me like HELLA of my girls are goin through what I had already gone through last summer. And i hate to see each and every one of my girls go through the devastating situations they've come across due to some silly dumb minded ass nigga that just obviously DONT KNOW WHAT THEY WANT. How I handled it? Let me ponder the thought of last year real quick.

So basically, regardless of what situation, what rumor or what disappointment comes along that tries to bring you down, stand your grounds. Niggas will leave not because they dont love you, but because they always want more than what you can give. You can give and give til you've got nothin left, but regardless, they always want more. So when summertime rolls around, test your patience. And let's just say -like current stories- your man leaves you. They give you some bullshit ass excuse for why they wana break up wid you and then the next day, a close friend tells you the truth that you shoulda heard inda first place. And what the truth is? Well it starts with, "Another girl..." somewhere around it right? And the first thing you do, is you contemplate in your mind what YOU did wrong to make him leave and how it lead to where you've ended up. And then you start thinkin to yourself, "Outta all people, why me" or "What the hell did I do wrong to deserve this" but the real question is, "Do you deserve this ? OR BETTER" and ofcourse, the muthafuckin answer better be, hell yeah you deserve better !!!!!!!!

When Brian and I broke up last summer, I'm not gon lie. It was alllllll bad for like a day or two. Those entire two days, I stayed locked up in my cage, mad at the world, takin out my frustrations on everyone I knew. But that second day, i took a good ass breather and realized, no nigga is more important than MY OWN HAPPINESS. To me, my happiness is more important than anything else in this world. See, my ex of four years taught me alot. And no matter what the fuck he put me through, I never retaliated back to what he did to me. I stayed loyal not to him, but to myself and respected myself most of all. You have no idea how many times i've heard the phrase, "Another girl" bein inda picture. I've never put myself in a position to where I got mad about the "other girl" and ended up wantin to fight or go outta my way to keep whats mine. Because I know that regardless, he still chose her over me. Why fight for something thats not in my control. You cant make someone love you, no matter how much you love them more. You cant control someone's feelings. How they feel is reaction to the situations they've gone through, with you. So if they feel like leaving you for some DOWNGRADE ass bitch, then girrrrrrl !? Smile back in his face and let him know he left the best thing that ever happened to him. Dont chase, dont show weakness and most importantly, dont break your strong self-image. Cus inda end, that niggas gona realize what the hell he's got himself into when you're doin better than you've ever donewithout him. And you're prolly thinkin to yourself, "What am I gona do now?" you know what you do !? You do what every girl does, HAVE FUN AND MAKE YOURSELF HAPPY. Cant no otha nigga make you more happy than you can make yourself happy, truuuueshit. These niggas triena say they wana have fun ? Nah, girls do it waaay better. The thing that girls nowadays dont understand is that, THEY DONT NEED A MAN TO MAKE THEM HAPPY.

No nigga is gona take you to your dreams, no niggas gona accomplish your goals for you. Every girl has the strength to get by on their own and sometimes i see it in my girls where they just dont understand that concept. Regardless, no matter how hard or how complicating, its a hard ass learning process that i learned years ago. Its just a lesson that ever girl should know before tearing your own heart apart. Nobody can break your heart but yourself.

Stay strong girl.

I promise things are gona get 100x better. Offtops.