The truth of summer days.

Thursday-the 9th: I had work, duhh. And fucked wid that 10-7 shift. Mmm, it felt damn good to be able to take a break after workin some intense ass shifts and havina run the damn store by my 5"0 lonesome. Hahahaha, I mean the other managers are there sometimes, but mainly its me and two other supervisors. But its me whose gota run that shit when I'm there and imagine me, 5"0 tall, runnin the entire store. Iss good tho, it has its ups and downs. Depending on the day and who's workin wid me, work can be craaackin as fuck. But other than that, it can truly take alot outta me. I swear, the store I work at is big and im like walkin all throughout store to make sure everythings gettin done and shit. It gets tiring ! Hahaha, but inda end, I love it there. There aren't alotta people who can say they love their job, but I can.

Friday- the 10th: Rickystopher's birthday ! Too bad I had to work a 4am-1pm shift this day. Fml foreaaaal. But I had to help wid signage and marketing and we gots it done :D we had a leadership meeting and that took like an hour ina half. Hahaha so after the meeting I clocked out but then I still had to go to the store's property management building to get the approvement for the car wash. Cus we're fundraising for AIDS walk in SF on the 19th, get there ! This is my first year goin and my other coworkers keep tellin me iss gona be craaackin so im kinda hyped. Actually, im just kinda excited to be able to be back inda bay for one whole day. BASICALLY. After, we hit up Hercules and chilled wid Rick's fam and his crazy girlfriend that for some reason, i still love her, HI JERALENE. Its always good to see Brian wid his friends. He's happy to see old faces and gets that personality within him that lets his friends know that, regardless of how time flys by, he's still the same, smart, intelligent, sensitive person ever. I love it :)

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Saturday- the 11th: woke up and baby was gone at work already. Worked anotha 11-6 shift. Im lovin these short shifts. Ahhh, I swear workin fulltime is a bitch but somebodys gota pay these bills. I don't got mommy and daddy supportin me. Everyone in my family off doin they own thiing, especially me. And im only 19. Alla my girls off gettin cashed out but pops and mama. But not me, I've been supportin myself since I was 15. But inda end, I got used to it. I can't ever imagine myself not workin and havin someone pay my bills like everyone else. I meeaaan, it would be nice ! But nothin in life is free. Shiiiet. Money don't buy happiness, but it does buy success. And im gettin there. By the time im 22 I see myself wid a career that I love doin wid an atmosphere of people that I love workin wid.

Anyways at work we had a fundraiser by havina car wash next door from the store, but it didn't work as successful as I woulda thot. All cus the employees that were washin cars were men. Hahaha, they wanted girls. But iss whatever. It was pretty busy for a saturday, for once. Lately durin the weekends we been slow, but today we was makin sales so it was coo. I got off at 6 and smashed home. Kuya and my sissy-in-law bought a new car and they wanted me to go visit, so I swooped B and went. Took the backroads and was pretty impressed. The house is huge ! And their closet is like the size of another room. Mmm, and they've been stayin there triena paint the house and stuff so I was gona go get food and bring my niece and nephew wid me. But as we were pullin outta the driveway, my nephew starts screeaamin ! Hella cryin and shit. So I dropped him off back and as we were leavin again, I heard this wierdass sound comin from my car, so I was like wtfuck is that ? Brian looks out the window and tells me my fuckin tire was flat ! >:[ damnnnniiit ! I was pissed. Thank god brian knew howta change a tire or else I woulda been fucked ! I was pretty pissed tho, wth man. And what popped my tire was one of those hard staples that construction workers use and shit. That small ass thang popped my muthafuckin tire. Urrghhhhh, whatever tho. So we fucked wid the spare and drove back to the house. We planned on goin to this lil function at rick's friends house cus he was celebratin his birthday out in sac. So we went home and brian drove. We got there and seen brians homies and just chilled. They was fuckin wid beerpong and I was so sleepy i wasn't really feelin it so we dipped. Went home and knocked, ahhhh. It felt good knowin I didn't have work the next day. I love my sundays off.

Sun- the 12th: woke up supaaaa early, got ready and headed to vallejo to help his mammy and chill wid his family the whole day. It was coo chillin wid his family. Thas the longest I've chilled wid his family at a time. It was pretty dope. His daddy loves me ! We ate and was pretty much tellin old stories and listenin to his dad tell ancient history stories about how Sonny Chiba- a famous japanese actor- is brian's "Great Second Uncle" and how he's like the japanese version of Bruce Lee and a whole buncha other stuff. It was dope. We spent the whole day wid his mammy, daddy and bros but didn't have time to visit his grammy. And she's used to seein us every weekend. SAD ! Ended the night slappin 2pac and a diamond ring on my finger. It was a good day.

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