One sweet day.

So today, I went to work. Did normal customer service associate type thangs and realized, "I WANT SOMETHIN NEW" so when I approached my store manager and told her how my raise didn't get added to my paycheck, I calculated how much they owe me and its about $50-60. Thas like a new jacket or some shoes, maybe even my herro kitty drivin wheel cover I've been wanting. But I better get my damn money that I worked for. Cheapass bitches. And I get my bonus soon ? :DDDD Ahhhh shiet. Im lookin for a shoppin spree, maybe even a weekend vacation somewhere. Im bouta get my car paperwork done and get it over wid. And prolly buy a new lappytop or somethin (: maybe even take my mom shoppin, dependin on my mood. We'll see.

FML, schoo starts in like two weeks and its like I do wana go, but I don't. But knowin me, I'll prolly end up goin. All summer I've been all about gettin this gouda so I needa re-evaluate my priorities. Which is, SCHOOL.

I can't wait til the holidays cus thas when alla the hours start rollin in. Hella exciting. I remember last year I was comin home wid $500-600 paychecks just bein an associate so im expectin the same for this year as weeell (: Im so moneyhungry, im kinda ponderin the thought of a second job just cus. Two jobs and school ? DZAAAAMMMMN, I'd be the ultimate MIA. But alla this shit is gona be worth it. I know it.

I stay dedicated to what I want.

And all I want is to succeed more than my parents ever imagined. Even tho none of then take part in my life like before anymore, im still triena make them proud so that when they're old and im takin care of em, they can say straight to my face, "Thank you" and appreciate what I did for them for once. I've had no parental supervision and I've never gotten locked up, im not no run around rippa, I don't got no babys runnin around, I grew up ina neighborhood fulla crackheads, drug addicts & pedophiles and I don't do drugs, don't smoke, and barely ever drink-Maybe like once a month if anything, and its mostly when im wid my girls. I NEVER GET DRUNK AT SOME RANDOM FUNCTION. All that, I controlled on my own. My parents ? They should be prouda me. Its sad cus my grandparents ALWAYS tell me how their prouda me. I love my grandparents. They're the best grandparents inda world. But the thing that hurts is that my parents don't even take time outta their day to care. Its all G though, im doin me and im all grown up now. After alla that, I still thank them for raisin a classy ass lady such as myself. Im just hopin one day they'll truly be prouda me. One day.