Yummy in my Tummy.


At some point in my life --And I have a feeling that its gona be sometime very soon-- I'm gona recreate alla these. For someone or some event. I wana go to another charity event. They're fun.

Lately, I've been thinkin about different careers I could try. Everyday at work, someone always compliments me on my hair, askin me who cuts it and whats their number or where the salon is, and I always tell them the same answer. "The salon is in my bathroom and I cut my own hair" with a big smile on my face. And when I tell em that, they ask for my name and tell me they'll be lookin for my salon next year, or ask for my phone number-- or somethin of the sort. AWKWARD !

So by supportive decision, I could begin a career doin either of these followin things:
  1. I'm goin to open a hair/nail salon
  2. Open up a bakery.
  3. I'm going to be a Child Development Research Analyst.
  4. A therapist.
  5. A counselor.
  6. An insurance Agent.
  7. A fashion show host.
OR SOMETHING BEYOND IRONIC THAT I'M "FASCINATING" AT. Hahahah, my coworkers always tell me how I should be certain kinda things and start a career in different types of areas that I never ever thought of, but when I really think about. I could do alla those things if i really really wanted. But outta all things, the number one thing I want to do, is be a Relationship/Marriage counselor. I will. So when alla you crazy psychotic muthafuckas cant function your own damn relationship problems, you'll have to report to me and let me help you out. Shiiiiiiit, I've helped my cousin, who was in one crazy ass marriage. And now they're back to bein completely and kindheartedly in love with eachother, as if they were in highschool again. Its craaazy to see the divorce rate and how much its increased in the past few years. Cant we get back to morals and respected one another for once !? COMPROMISE !? Shit. I swear some people can be greedy and selfish to the fuckin max. But its okaay

... god will write your love story.
Just like he's continuing to write mine,