Bye bye blogspot :(

Dear blogspot,

Please don't be upset. I'm not leaving, I'm just transferring. I'm transferrin to tumblr. To expand my blog world, to share my thoughts to a whole new network world and to grow my thoughts through a different world. I will never leave you blogspot. You hold my past, my history, my happiness, my weaknesses and my chemistry. I honestly thought it would be hard for me to make the transition. But something inside of me gave me to strength to proceed and move on somehow. And it was within you ofcourse ! I will love and cherish you forever and I appreciate everything you've done for me. I will come back and visit to laugh, smile or even cry at the previous moments we've had together. Don't worry, I'm just another link away.

Love always,
Khristine G. Behney <3
Some Men feel the need to Love a thousand different Women, but a Real Man knows how to Love one Woman a thousand different ways.

LOML <3333

Cant no other teddy bear shit on my Loubear. No matter what we go through, this is what always keeps us together. For some strange reason, outta alla the teddy bears that were given to me in my lifetime, no other teddybear could mean more to me than my Loubear. When we argue, Loubear always reminds us of what we've been through together, the love we've created and the history of something rare that we got.

Loubear never leaves me. He's stuck wid me. Like the old blanket a little girl cant get rid of even when she grows up to be 20 years old. Its still somewhere in her house. Something that means that much cant ever be cut outta her life. For me, its my teddybear Loubear.

I remember when I first got the bear. It was when Baby and I were still just dating, summer of 07. And we wanted to see eachother hella bad so we went to Discovery Kingdom -_- cus i'd always get all of us in for free. And we were walkin around, goin on rides, eating coldstone and just havina good time, two summers ago. Baby and I played the basketball game. And I whooped him, ofcourse. So we walked on over to some booth where you gota put the three humongous baseballs into the tilted basket. And if you get all three in, you get a prize. Baby only got two in :) and I still had the choice of gettin aprize, either this tanned-colored teddy bear with a red bow on his neck. OR the white teddy bear wid a pillow that it was holding and it said "I love you" I was so indecisive and just kept tellin Brian I didnt wana teddy bear and to give it to his mommy. So i walked off triena make it seem like we should go somewhere else and he run backs to me giving me the white teddy with the pillow sayin, "I LOVE YOU" :) it was fuckin cute. he kissed me on my forehead and we continued our day. Ofcourse at this time, we were still inda beginning of our relationship. We werent together, we didnt love eachother yet, and we didnt even kiss or anything yet, ME BEIN THE GOODGIRL THAT I AM. But we still felt something so surreal in the beginning. When we're together, everything else just makes sense.

I feel like a little girl triena explain her favorite stuffed animal. BUT, shit. I love Brian to the fullest. My baby got me like no other. Got me happy and loves me genuinely, even at my worst. Who else can say that for themselves ?
"It takes a second to say I love you, but a lifetime to show it."
"Falling in love is a bit like falling asleep. The harder you try to drift into sleep, the more impossible the notion seems. But when you let go… pushing all thoughts of what you attend to accomplish with your face in the pillow and your limbs resting at your side—only then does sleep seem to come. You know when it’s beginning to wrap itself around you; the feeling is unmistakeable and quite beautiful. Still, if you become too aware of the feeling, it disappears completely and you’re back to where you started. The trick is to be aware of it… just enough to enjoy it and still let it take over without trying to interfere or speed it up.

When we try to force it or make it happen on our own terms, it never goes the way we’d like it to. When thoughts of love are all that fill our mind, the actual thing has a way of avoiding us like the plague. But when our hearts are falling into that strange sensation which no one quite understands, we will know it. We will be able to tell. The trick is to enjoy it, but still keep a good distance. Let it happen as it will unfold, and not how you would prefer it to unfold. Love doesn’t seem to like it much when we step into its affairs.

Just don’t sleep on love."

True lies. This is for you boys.

To all men: If a girl doesn't trust you, doesn't have faith in your relationship, or is over protective in everything you do, then leave her. Yeah you deserve better. But if you guys constantly argue over little things, about who gets to eat the last chicken wing on the plate or who gets to use the remote this time to change the channel, AND THEN YOU CHEAT ON HER ?! Then that just makes you a coward. A boy, not a man, that is afraid to face the true facts on love. Women don't deserve to be cheated on. With as hard as we love, we deserve some decency to be treated like queens. Someone who doesn't even have to think twice. A sure thing. Be the man at the altar that can honestly say you love your woman without havin to think of alla 5+ women you "coulda, woulda" had something with. Never be the man who lost his value by sharing your "goodies" with numbers of women. A true wifey type chick doesn't deserve that. A woman with high-value and especially with a good quality of love and good quantity of understanding deserves a gentleman. A true man. Don't be the man that leaves a woman because you met some downgrade and then sees her ten years later, more happy than ever. Which makes you begin to wonder, what if ? Though it may seem rough and shaky at times, you grow stronger by being able to accomplish obstacles that have to do with love. Be the man that appreciates a real woman. Be proud of what you got. And feel blessed with the woman God blessed you with. In the end, when the two of you are old, grown, durin your 50th wedding anniversary and talkin about when you guys were together at such a young age and you've gotten this far ? You'll start a rare generation. Fight for that generation. Fight for a love so true.
"Am I giving enough? Is it all that should be? When water gets rough? Will you still swim with me?"

-Voices of Theory

Fall semester 09

I cant wait to start school. I'm lookin at my classes right now and lookin up the books that go with the class and they look fuckin spiffy ! Schoo starts in like 9 days and i havent even gone shoppin to do shit. I NEED TO, wahhh ! I needa sign up for the school's financial aid they got. I need to buy my books too. Expensive as they are. Alla my classes are on tues/thurs:

  1. MATH103- Deborah Bryant 9:00-10:20am
  3. SOC300- Nicholas Miller 1:00pm-2:20pm
  4. ENGWR 100- Sally-Anne Jackson. 2:30-3:50

YAAAAAAAAAAY, i'm juiced. 12units. I'm coo wid that. I heard my teachers are pretty hard too, though I cant find them on thoughhhh. Challenge ?

Bitch, I'm more than ready.
“ Love is never tired of waiting. Love is kind, has no envy, nor a high opinion of itself. Love has no pride nor takes no thought for itself. It is not angered quickly nor slow, and keeps no accounts of wrong. It takes no pleasure in wrongdoing, but has joy in all things. Love has the power of undergoing all things, having faith and hoping in all things. Love is not a rational, predetermined action and though a prophet’s word may come to an end, tongues come to nothing and knowledge have no more value… because love has no end. "