man, i hate online homework. those teachers that make you go outta your way to go ona computer to do some freakin homework just cus they're too damn lazy to print that shit and grade it themselves. hahaha, nah honestly, i wouldnt wana print 500+ papers and grade em either.

I had my english midterm today. iuno how i did, but for me to study 2 weeks straight wid 90+ flashcards, I BETTTA HAD PASSED THAT SHIT ! my teacher seen me studyin before the test and she looked at me hella crazy. i, myself thought i was crazy goin though them flashcards 3 or 4 times a day. UGHHH.

i'm tired. and i should be focusing on homework right now. i just got done typin up two 2 page essays. and a reflection essay about stupid nature things. wthhhhh. hahaha. all i really want ? is for spring break to come up and i can git my ass to LA already ! fuck. is that so much to ask !? i'm dyyyyyin. and i got work this weekend and on topa that, i might be on that city hype cus you knowwww it aint a good weekend unless im wid my girls.

SPRING BREAK, SPRING BREAK, SPRING BREAK. Alla this hardwork, is for them lil vacay trips wid my girls and baby thas soon to come. I CANT WAIT !