So tell me why I hella just fell down my stairs. Haha, but iss all good cus im not a pregnant bitch so nobody was injured ! Im fuckin tired. Im hella hella juiced for april tho ! Hmmm, baby's spring break is comin up, he wants to go somewhere (: and then the friday before mines starts, im goin shnoowwwwboarddding (: and then the next weekend, me and my girls are goin ona ? ROAAAADTRIIIP BIIIIIITCH ! Me and wifey really makin shit happen. What is good !? (Chinese accent) "you wahhnt pawtee we make speshoo plan fo you" hahahahaha ! Wtfuck.

I got a fuckin math exam tomorrow :( and I got eng midterms next week. And my own muthafuckin boyfriend who's a damn "mathmatician" would rather cuddle than help me wid my work ! Whatta asshole. Hahaha, nah. I need to get this math shit down tho. But fuck, I hate math. I got my english exam results =) I got B. Yeee muthafuckin eeeee, bitch ! Hahaha. I needa quit fuckin around tho in my math class. I don't understand why im takina 5 unit class, thas one day a week, thas for THREE fuckin hours -_- fmlllll.

So anyways, for LA right. Im gon buy a swim suit right. And then me and the girl are gon go tan at the beach right. Hahahaha, and then we gon party [maybe] right. Iss gona be so much fun ! And then we gon hit up universal studios and alla that nice shit. I can't be spendin money, im triena do some muthafuckin damage in LA. Fuck, I gota pay my bills soon tho cus they comin up. Issall good tho. Im gettin this cheddah =)