If i had one wish...

We would be bestfriends ? Nahhht, actually it'd be for me to have one more fuckin week of spring break. But maaaan, check this. After gettin the tires fixed we realized the annoying ass sound isn't from the wheels, its NOT my breaks, its my alignment. What. the. flyyyyyin. shit. Aint that bouta bitch tho. Cashed out for nothin. Next time my mommy pays. AND THEN I found out I can't even file my damn taxes cus my mom claimed me. And if she didn't I'd prolly get like $600 back. Damn it. Can I be unclaimed for once !? Hah. Shiiiit. How inconvenient for my extraordinary life. Thas some fucked up ass shit.

Schooo is so gay maan. And I feel like im slackin although I already got my A's in alla my classes. Doooin too much. I need do some damn time management. *sighhhhhh. Anywaaays, monday my brother had a family party. Like always, cus I guess HIS brother-in-law caught a big ass fish. So them bein vietnamese, they celebrated ahaha. Nah iunoo, it was crackin tho. We went to the store and cashed out on food for my brother's half of his family and seen this

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It was damnear as tall as me ! And I'm 5 feet tall !

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I love vietnamese food. Baby came through too and plaayed SFIV, ofcourse, wid my brother and them.

Tuesday, afterschoo I fucked wid the crepes escape and got the strawberry nutella (; MMMMMmmmmMm. And then I went home and did hella homework cus my life sucks and I gota do shit like that. Hahahah, im kidding.

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wednesday: I had work inda morning. It took me hella long to realize it was payday =) but youuu know I wasn't mad. Went to the mall wid brian and then swooped my nephew to spend some time wid him :) took babyboy to the duckpond and he hella enjoyed it. and then we went to the supeerwalmart in natomas and literally went through every damn isle. hahahaha. spoiled my nephew wid a new fit. plain hoodies, thug shorts and long tees. hahahahah. im sucha good auntie to him. tho i might be an auntie to another junior, hahahah. dzaaamn my bruh really aint playin. he loves bein a dad. hahah. brian was geettin hella into it too. "i cant drive to fast, we gota baby on board" hahaha. i think brian would be one of those scared fathers and would treat our kid like a fragile box. hahahahaha. he'll get used to it when the time is right. again, NOT TIL THE TIME IS RIGHT. that night i didnt even go to sleep til like 4am :( cus i had to wait for my brother to swoop my nephew. so you already know i was inda worst mood at schoo.

after schoo yesterday, i went back to my brothers house and swooped my nephew again. and i've been wid him ever since. hahah. i feel like im playin house. hahah, except daddytype is always at schoo or work [brian]

ughhh i hate arguin about females to him. i try so damn hard to not say shit but when i keep shit in, it blows up sooner or later. i DO NOT wana get into that cus i'll prolly end up upset again. but fact of the lifetime: I HATE BITCHES, BUT I LOVE MINE. til next time :)

Song of the week: Lets play house- RayJ.