He's been listenin to my prayers ...


its hella funny cus the day i THOUGHT i was gona get my car, my brother hella was sayin stuff that put me back in thinkin that i was really doubting that i was gona get it. but sporadically, one night, he called me up and was like, "stop by my house tmrw" and i figured he was just gona talk to me about responsiblity and how i need to "do more for this family" [more than i already do.] so i wasnt really thinkin nothin of it. but the next daaay righttttt, the girl that owned car hella randomly called me and told me she was droppin off my car at my brothers house =) and that i could go get it whenever. i was so juiced i wanted to scream, but i mean i had to keep my composure and be caaalm. but maaaan, it just so happened that she called RIGHT after my mom left -_- but hahaha. i just waited for brian to come through to my house after he got off work. tehehe. baby took me to my brothers and we pull up, and i see this BEAUTY OF LOVE waiting for me right inda drivewaay :D i'm hellllaaaa happy, i started doin my "happy feet" dance. i waited for a week man. anticipated and waiting. ever. so. patiently. i'm pretty damn satisfied. i drove off feeling proud that i finally stepped up my game rather than havina drive my moms car yehnnoe. and it was on the day of cinco de mayo. hahaha, wsuuuup.

Oh & remember how i said my nigga richard was locked up ?
HE'S OUT NOWWWW ! Hahaha, and he always be tellin me to get him a wifey, so i guess i'll try to get this nigga some new work. he's single ladies, get atsss.

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the first place we went to wid my car was to babys friends house. hahaha, cus his friends were here in sac and so we chilled there. that night i stayed the night at babys house =) ughhh, he always tries to race me onda freeway. wthh man. hahahah

but this morning, i had work. got "promoted" i guess. hahaha, but iss coo. afterwork, i stopped by the house. and theeeen, went to visit bestfriend in davis since i havent been there ina while. AND i needed some bestfriend therapy. hahaha, damn my bestfriend is a true ass bestfriend. denny phan, you always got my back. always motivating me to strive harder and always believing in me maaan. i gota good bestfriend. hahaha. but while i was in davis, we got a bit hungry and the DC wasnt even open yet, so we went to jack inda box. but when we were on our way to monicababys dorm. we saw this shit ...

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They was actually DRIVING that shit on the streets, it had a motor and everything. wouldnt that be hella crackin to ride in !? hahaha, i mean you imagined ridin and goin on magic adventures on those wagons when you were a kid, but to be in real life form !? i swear, i was astonished.

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i always love eating dinner at the ucd dining common. they always got some crackin ass food and our table is alwaaays the shit. after dinner, we was up in monica's dorm, crackin jokes, dancin to "there she go slidin down that pohhh" hahaha. giggin inda room, talkin about randoms, talkin about whether or not nice and slow by usher is talkin about relationships or sex. hahaha. ITS ABOUT SEX !

all in all, the past couple days have been good to me. i got hella other family problems typa shit stuck on my mind, but i feel no need to vent about that now. cus like me and wifey say, "THIS TOO SHALL PASS" hahaha. til later bitches, love ya !