sorry i been MIA my loyal blogspot readers :) but aye tho guess. what.

since i didnt wana deal wid my moms bullshit anymore, i moved out. and where did i move exactly ? well, i'm still in sac. but farther and deeper into sac, SINCE BRIAN LIVES IN THE FUCKIN BOONIES. hahaha, i live wid him now -_- hahaha, i never thought i would move in to live wid my boyfriend. EVER. but ! i guess we gota start somewhere right ? we're good :) we like it. we're adjusting. we barely see eachother tho since schoo and work barely has us home. well actually, its only been TWO days, hahahah. so i cant really tell. this is temporary. cus i know we're prolly gona drive eachother crazy. but thas alright. cus i'm crazily in love wid this fool. only fools fall in love i guess. hahaha, WHATEVER WITH THAT SHIT ! :) anyways !


i realized i dont even have alotta shit. basically my clothes, purses, shoes and alla that necessity type shit :) everything else, i put into my brothers garage unit storage-type-thing-a-ma-bobber at his apartment complex. hahaha i'm content wid my own closet and my drawer for my personals. muahaha, fucks wid it.

yesterday, i wenta schoo. ofcourse. and then in between lab and my careers class, i realized i had a fuckin essay to do, in WHICH i finish within like 30 min :) pretty dope. normally it takes me an hour or two to type a good ass essay, but that one was so easy, and i hella knew what i wanted to talk about, so i bullshitted the essay and still came out wid an A. puahahahaha, whas good wid it biaaatch ! after, i ran a couple errands, went to my moms, fell asleep, watched horton hears a who, loaded up my car with my shit and cut turf and went to take my stuff to brians house, since IM SUCHA NICE GIRLFRIEND, i cleaned OUR fuckin room. hahaha, brians lucky. he gota live-in maid now -_- urghhhhh. hahaha. nah iss good tho.


TODAY, i was supposed to go into schoo early to finish my lab hours, but i woke up late and since our other room-mate turned on the alarm in the living room, i was scared to open the door and set off the alarm since i didnt know the code yet. hahaha, so i went back to sleep til baby came home from schoo. AND THEN, i went to schoo to finish that last hour. then i was dizzzone :) all i gota do now is go to schoo on tuesday next week to take my finals and i'm all good. wahoooooo ! but back to my story. OKAY. so the normal routine every wednesday is to go to walmart and get whatever we need. and normally we go to the one in natomas, BUT ! this time we went to the one in elk grove and THAT ONE SUCKS ! urghhhhh. no need to comment cus i might havta bust out wid a few X-rated words here. but whatever. after that, i dropped baby off back at home and then went to work. LET ME JUST REMIND, that i was late ! for the first time !! EVER !!!!!!!!!!! :( fuckin traffic. fuckin bitch. fuckin fuck. hahahaha.

blah blah blah, work was boring. i was cash handler. we got off work early blah blah blah. but aye tho ! it was payday :) yalready know ya girl gets paid top dolla ! but anywhoooooo. after work, i went to wamu, took out moneys. then went to fill up my tank. THEN, went to bank of america to deposit alla my savings :) muahahaha. ya like that ? i handle cash carefully honey. dont you forget that.