A successful surprise.

The day that i've been stressin off for a long ass time. All I wanted for the month of july was for Brian to have a good birthday. I mean, he always told me about how all of his birthday sucked and how his parents always forgot about his birthday. And from that point on, I always wanted to throw him the perfect birthday just for him. So therefore, I planned it all out. All of it.

A month before his birthday, i sent out invitations to have a surprise birthday pahhhty at our house here in Sacramento. A week before his day came and I was more stressed cus I had to buy alla the alcohol-because you cant have a good time at a party without juice! - hahaha. and then I bought whatever else i could to at least make it decent. but with my luck, i had to work full shifts almost everyday that week of his birthday. the only day that i had off, was his birthday. so i had to be hella sneaky and make moves during my lunch hours, before i went to work, or after work. i even had to plan for his bestfriend to be the one to get my house keys from me and to be the one to help decorate the house and to open the door for when everyone else gets there. hahahahaha, hella shit. but it was cooo though !

the day of came. and midnight struck. all i had was a cake thing that i quickly bought from starbucks-cus i fucks wid the sweets there, AND I GET DISCOUNT- and put a lameass candle and sang happy birthday to him by my lonesome at midnight. it made him happy though.


but he didnt eeeven know what i had in store for him. so that morning, he woke up, sad and upset, explainin to me how nobodys gona remember that its his birthday and how he knew his parents werent even gona say happy birthday and whatnot. but we got ready. got dressed and drove out to vacaville to go bowling at Starz. Played about three games and baby got whooped. And i didnt even try though ! hahahaha, damnit. but after, we chilled for a while and went to the arcade where he whooped me in airhockey. WHATEVER !


at that point, his bestfriend rick was supposed to come through and pick up the keys but they had somethin goin on and couldnt meet me up til later. so i sweeaaar i had to think of alla the dumbest shit that i could to stall the boy from wantin to go home. hahaha, we went to fairfield to go visit his grandma, cus i knew seein his grandma would make him a happy boy, so we went there and he got his birthday gifts from his grandma and his brother. and then i got hella hungry so we went to applebee's in vacaville-where rick was supposed to meet us once again! but didnt show up- so time flies by and i'm still anticipating in my mind wtfuck else i was gona do to stall. so after we ate dinner, i was actin like i was hella full hahahaha, and was triena stay in the car for a while. cus i was driving.


so finally rick textes me and tells that he's in vacaville and i told him to meet me at the outlets so i could sneak him the key somehow. hella slick though ! he came through and was actin like he just came to visit him and told brian that he had to go to his auntie's house. while they was talkin, i hella slipped him the house key. HELLA SLICK ! hahahaha, brian had no clue.

so from then on, i just had to stall in time for them to get to my house and decorate and shit so after rick left and after the outlets, i decided to take brian to this view in vacaville that i knew and tried to get his mind of his worries. and it did ! sooner or later, he was like "alright, lets go home" in my mind, i was like fuuuuck, but i tried to remain as calm as i could. and at this time i knew hella people were triena get to my house in time for the surprise cus they were all textin me and callin like some idiots !


I was hella thinkin in my mind, "what the fuck else could I do to stall some extra time?" and i thought, i should go to the bank or somethin hella stupid. so, i did. hahaha, and it bought me like some extra 15 minutes. and from the bank we went headed home, and during crunch time, my heart started racing hella fast, cus i was just prayin in my mind, hopin that nobody fucks up the surprise. but hella dumbfucks were blowin up my phone, askin for the address to my house and shit. and i was like, fuckit and set my phone down.

we show up at the house and i had brian open the door, and while he put the key inda door, he hella stops and was like, "i hear people talking" ahahahaha. And from there, the night began perfectly. the surprise was more than i could ask for. he was soooo shocked and stuck that i had to push him through the door after they surprised him. he couldnt believe i actually did all of it and throughout the whole night, he just kept thankin me and tellin me he loved me. AINT THAT SWEEET ;) when all i wanted was for him to have a birthday to finally remember. And after lastnight's ordeal, i know he's never gona forget.


and to my surprise, damnear everyone that i invited and damnear everyone that I WANTED to be there, was there. I never thought i'd see that many heads in my house tho, but it all planned itself out correctly. Alla brians boys came, his bestfriends came, my girls came. And it was peeerfect. And FINALLY, i got him to drink ! no pressure tho, he did it all on his own. and i know he had a good time.


the only thing that sucked, was that it took us almost two hours to clean every single piece of damn confetti in our house. it fuckin traveled everywhere ! but itsall good. it was all worth it when baby told me, "i had the best birthday ever, thanks to you baby" :) and thas all i wanted to hear by the enda the day. WHAT A SUCCESS.