Lets take it slow...

Okaay, so last wednesday was my last official day as bein a Manager at Old Navy.

...And it felt fuckin great.

Cus then ima get treated like a normal associate or in my case, I'm just a normal cash handler now. Nomore extra expectations. Nomore hearin the problems of the store. Nomore goin an extra mile to help the leadership team just cus someone else didnt finish their fuckin job during their shift. Nomore stressin. Nomore hearin the bitchin from the other leadership members about how someone else is hella slackin and alla that. I needed the break away from it cus there was a point where it got too intense to the point where I stressed so hard, I had to go to the office and cry like a baby for a good 5 min to take it all out. YES, it got that bad. I swear workin in retail is fuckin tough when your store is triena make it to the top. Esp when the district manager is triena help you make it to the top, by givin you hella priorities in a certain amounta hours. All summer, I dedicated my time to helpin out the store to get back on track. But damn, i'm not gona lie. It was a coo experience given to learn the ropes of how it feels to be a boss. I was the youngest Manager tellin people older -and taller- than me what to do and helpin them to get things done. Its all about compromise and support. I swear it is. Well, thas what I learned.

But its funny cus the store manager told me yesterday as I gave her my keys, that she might still be needin my help in doin certain things in leadership still. Cus "she cant rely on anyone like she can towards me" hahaha. Nah its just that she saw someone who worked their ass off for the first time rather than lookin at alla the other lazy ass employees in that building. I swear I went beyond and far for the company. Thas why she referred me to a Service and Training Manager position at another store. She thought I'd be perfect for the position. Seein that my passion was to help customers and train associates. [I loved that shit. I love bein able to pull an associate into my office and lettin them know what they needa improve on and what they needed to do to get there. And the next day after, they improved quick due to my motivational speech. Before, they used to insult the associates, tellin them they NEED to do better. Not me, I'd never downtalk an associate. I motivated hella workers and thas how we got better results when I was a manager. And the store manager was impresssed] BUT, the store manager at the other store felt I was too young and she wanted someone with more experience seein that I was only a manager for three months. Whatever though, her store sucked and didnt have shit on our store at allllll. So for now, ima just stick it out. Ima go back to schoo like I said I would. Ima do what I needa do to get where I wana be.

It just sucked cus I've never been so MIA in my life. I've never been so exhausted from a job or never spent so much time at a job. Even when I had three jobs last summer when I worked at Banana Republic, Footaction and at the Tutoring center. I was still goin out and kickin it almost everynight wid my girls and whatnot. -Weell, I think its cus I live in sac now.

Things have changed.
Change is always good.