Mmm, so I was thinkin, if I was a nigga, what kinda girl would I like to stay wid for the resta my life ? A girl that works and is focused on her shit besides a used ass bitch that always went out and partied. Therefore, BRIAN IS ONE LUCKY ASS MUTHAFUCKA. Mmm, tho im not gona lie I hella miss my partybitches, my everyday bitches and my solid ass bitches, but I think that whole party/clubbin bullshit is hella over rated. These bitches sit there and try speakin on how independent they are. Pshhhhh, thas funny ! I've learned and seen how bitches live wid that kinda lifestyle and thas somethin I don't wana live wid for the resta my life, thinkin of how I partied my whole life insteada gettin ahead. I'd rather work all day then party all night. I rarely ever party and I like it thaat way (: plus, I love my job and my current income. Haha, I just needa quit my shoppin habit !

As of today, im currently inda car goina jackson rancheria to gamble. How terrible ! Hahah, but I had hella fun last time so I might as weell give it anotha try. My money has been so good to me (: halloween's comin up tho along wid many other events. Babyshowers, birthdays, surprises, anniversaries !?

-I finally gota weekend to myself.
-I'm gettin another bank account.
-I needa stop shopping and eatin out when I could eat at home.
-I'm not triena get sick maan ! A healthy immune system, is a happy immune system.

Since everyone was talkin.

Worked a openin shift and got to get off around noon. Mmm, it was lightweight frustrating cus I almost couldnt get out the house & I woulda been pissed if I had to spend another weekend, at home. while everyone else was partyin >:[ but issall good ! Went to davis, chilled, attended a football game, met hella chillllll people, was mobbin deep on bikes to parties and shit hahaha. And was glad to finally have time to get out the house ! I had hella fun, I didnt come home til 6am. Haha, bad ? Pshhh. Fun is fun.

Sunday: I was sooo sore from bikin all around davis wid hella of us girls. I didnt even have the strength to go to work. I coulda went to work if I wanted to, but like a muthafuckin boss, I didnt and decided to take the day off (: chilled and relaxed at home like I aint neva relaxed before tho. It felt daaamn good.

Todaaay: Worked stocks and shipments this morning, stupid paperwork. Got off and went to CSUS. Went to UCdavis to swoop fraaynds and ate at In and Out. Got home and watched movies wid brian. What next ?

"Same shit, different toilet." yet chaange is always good.
I work, work, go home, sleep & work. FML.

So, never ever EVER get stuck ina in&out parkin lot, for 5 hours. And we thought it was cus the battery [had to go buy a new one] and after three hours of triena figure it out what it really was, we found out it was cus the main engine fuse blew out, WHAT THE FUCK. And dont ever, EVER rely on fakeass walmart mechanics to know what to do, cus they dont know shit .. assholes. What else is could go wrong to a 06civic !? I'm thinkin of gettin a scion again. Fuckfuckmuthafuckityfuck. Tell me why every weekend, there'sa sale at my work, so every weekend they schedule me for a full shift. MAN ! I'm there alla time, I only get one or two days off a week, it's bullshit.

PS- I hate this house.

I want, I want, I want. Actually thas all shit I need so thas even more important. I hate drivin my mom's car or even my brother's bigass pilot. Waahhh, ima picky ass person but shit, I just like shit that suits me and I know if I dont get my way, I complain like a bitch. Unless someone gives me a good reason and explain why i'm wrong ofcourse, but other than that, WHO CARES ! My next check is like $500 so I'm pretty muthafuckin juiced to get my new phone, wahoooooooooo. Another weekend without that bigass baby of mines. I mean, he can be a mamasboy all he wants, but he's gona havta face the fact that a wife is inda makin here and I cant have my "future husband" goin back home everyweekend !!!!!!! ): i misses. My family stresses never end. I'm just not gona bother wid they shit nomore. Cus whatever I do and whatever happens to me, is my problem. They aint gon give a fuck what I do anyways, so why should a try and wait for a reaction or an approval ? Maaan, my family is so broken apart. It aint even funny. And I would give anything to bring it all back together, but I already know it aint gon happen. My family is no longer no kinda family whatsoever. REALITY CHECKEDDDDD. Tata for nowww !
Why is everyone in my family such alcoholics ! I cant wait to move out. I hate livin in this house. I thought it was gona be the best thing thas ever happened to me, but its the dumbest decision i've ever made. I wana go back. I'm depressed- not seriously tho, but shittttttt I miss alotta people and the freedom I had before. Now my daily schedule is to just work and come home, wake up the next morning, work and then come home. Even tho today I finally was able to get the fuck out the house for a couple hours, and I admit it was pretty coo but shit. I cant stand comin home to, nothing. You always want what you cant have right ? ): I hate that I have the most broken family ever. It's times like this when I realize, all I DO have, is myself. FUCK I SOUND SAD ! BUT IM NOT. I'm just mad that I do shit for other people insteada doin shit for myself, first. I always be feelin sorry for alla these people so me bein the nice bitch that I am, I take my precious time and go outta my way to try and make them happy. Maaan, I just feel like I aint had any serious time to go out and have fun for once and to tell you the truth, thas what I really want and need. Save me.
I hate livin in sac. Where when I look around me, there's NOTHIN there but fields and fields of NOTHING. I'm thinkin of joinin kickboxing again, so I can get outta this stupid house. I hate havina to do shit in this house that shouldnt just be MY responsibility. But me, I do that shit anyways. I'm re-thinkin LA now. I dont wana spend alla that money for a three day trip, I know if I go, ima be spendin money like iss nothin. Cus I mean, I just wana get the fuck out already and save up. As much as I love my family, I cant stand livin wid them, i mean no disrespect but i'm serious. Two years ago, I told myself I would be livin on my own when i'm 18. But shit, rough times hit me hard, and now that iss "okaay" i'm havina live in this house where the people drive me insane.

Ima very independent person and shit when somethin's blockin me from doin what I wana do, I get frustrated, AS FUCK. I like doin shit on my own, for myself and by myself. I lived that way for years. I've had a job ever since I was like what, 16. And since then, I've had to financially support myself whether or not I wanted to, and i've been doin that shit pretty damn well if you ask me.

I've never had parents to buy shit for me, take me shopping pay for this and alla that shit. I did alla that shit on my own for hella years now, so i've been pretty much ammuned to it. I've rarely needed anyone to do shit for me cus I always handled it on my own before hand.

I overwork & overstress myself, it's terrible.
"Change ? Shit, I guess change is good for any of us."

My nigga 2pac knew his shit, legit. I lightweight miss highschoo tho. Highschoo sweethearts B ? Hahah. Pshhh, we was in highschoo when we was together, even tho over the summer we broke up- yeaah yeaah. But what matters now, is that WE'RE BACK at our shit like aint nothin happened. It still be feelin like iss 07. Daaaamn, i'm happy.

Back to reality ? I'm workin, stay workin, stay "grindin all day hustlin, all for the cake man, ima benjamin stack one inch talla then great things" fuckssssssssss wid it. I needa vacation after alla this shit man. I mean I aint mad that I work 5 daysa week cus I still get those two days off, sometimes. But fuck, got me workin at 4am ?! Hahaha. I meaaan, wtfuck tho. I know ima morning person now, but I aint no insomniac or someshit. I aint no crackhead and shit stayin up hella late hours of the night. Hahaha. Anyways, thas what i'm bout for now, is my money. Dueces.

Nosey nosey people.

Watch what you say. Cus when I ask you about it, dont act like the cat gotcho toungue bitch. NOTE: Haters are never pretty. Keep speakin on that weakshit bitch. But just remember, when you run your mouth, iss MY life. Game on bitches. I stay at the ready wid MY shit on lock. How the fuck you think I got my muthafuckin name. BITCH. Ask about me. Hater's and hoes just love me. "Got my name drippin out they mouth cuz im wet."

Other than that, it's a lovely day ! And tomorrow's gona be just fabulous (:

I love it.

Been wid mines everyday this week. And I'm enjoying that shit. Hahah. So I was supposed to have wed, thurs, and friday AND saturday off. But ME, being the nice bitch that I am, I took two extra shifts. I only have tomorrow and friday off ): whatevs tho. I aint mad. Cus I got fuckin bills to pay ! Triena see wsup wid a car loan. So I can have THAT nice ass 08coupe down there. And build up better fuckin credit, thas what ! Hahaha.

Downtown sac, reminds me of the city. But less fog and shit everywhere. I hate traffic. I hate slowass drivers, I NEVER drive the speed limit. Hahaha, I pay attention to cops more than my speed limit actually, but shit who's cares ?

I cant wait to geta new phone. Shit, Gphone (: since iphones are plaaayed out. [Sorry bubba, haha.] < his "bphone" is nice tho. I aint gon lie.

"It's been extra two hours !"
"I'd rather have two extra lifetimes wid you"