So on Wed, it was supposed to be my day off work, but nooooo. I took my coworkers shift since she didn't wana go to work I guess. I got bills and INTERDEPENDENCE type shit to worry bout (: but man tho, work was gay as fuck. There was like nobody in the store. But then it was busy here and there. I sweaaah, "awesome" is like a sac term out here. I've never heard it used in any language as much as I do out here in sac. And if you ask me, ITS FUCKIN ANNOYING. Everyone sounds like barbies and kens out here wid their prissy ass attitudes and shit. Goodness ! hahahaha, thas like a word you say to kids when they do good on their ABC's test. But NOT WHEN WE'RE GROWN ASS ADULTS YEHNNOE !? Idk, thas just imo. I know i aint neva heard that word back at home.

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Hahaha, anyways. Got paid today and was pretty damn happy wid my paycheck $$$$. And I know my next ones gona look pretty too cus alla this overtime and shit. Afterwork, I went to fill up by gas tank. And for hella long I would normally put like $10-$15 in my tank. But today, I used my card and filled up my tank and found out it costs, $27 to fill up my damn tank. Fuckin gas prices goin up again :( read that shit on too. Hahaha, you bitches know I gota stay updated on my shit (: Came home and me and baby were just bein some geeks in love. Playin games wid eachother. Makin jokes and shit. Hella funny. I guess iss normal for us now. Hahaha, we work all damn day and then come home and act like little nerds runnin around the house. took this panormic picture cus i was testin this settin on my camera and i told baby to move to a different spot to see if it would come up. and it did. except baby looks like he gota ghost of himself behind him. hahaha, creepy, but dope as fuck :)

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hahaha, caught baby lookin at himself inda mirror, which isnt anything knew.

Yesterday, we had to go to sac state cus baby had to turn his fafsa papers in. And I realized, I HATE WALKING. Haha, unless its to a place im excited to go to, like the mall =) or something of the sort hahahahahaha. YOU KNOOOWWWW. gahd, people ride bikes at ucdavis cus the campus is huge. They should ride bikes here too damnit. These buildings are far from eachother. Man, ima muthafuckin queen. Queens don't walk.

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PS- I don't wana tan this summer :( I hate bein darkskinned. Cus then I get mistaken to be some otha nationality than what I really am. NOTE: I am japanese, filipino and german bitches. Rememba that !

After, we went to arden so baby could get some work shoes. And he got himself some freakin VANS. hahahahahaha. nah iss good tho. they nice. for workshoes. yehnnoe, the kinda shoes to get fucked up ona regular. hahaha, but yeaaah.

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Got the surf city squeeeze iceee for like $3 ! wtfuck. i coulda just gota humungo sized slushee at AMPM for like $1 something. maaan, i shoulda. but i didnt. whatevs tho, shit still was on hit.

So later on, I went to go chill wid jem. It was hella fuckin hot outside ! But most of the time we were stuck infronta the fan, watchin videos and bein stupid. It was coo tho. We sat and talked about ... everything. Hahaha, and then went to big spoon and got some froyo =) we also made a cute video for our boyfriends, cus we're corny like thaaaaat.

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This morning, baby and i thought that we were gona wake up early, but we didnt. actually we didnt even wake up til like noon-ish. and then we got dressed and shit. and then i fell back asleep. hahahahaah, whatevs tho. I had work at 5-10. came home and baby ended up not wantin to go to jackson or his coworkers dinner or whatever. and I sure as hell was too tired to drive to davis and especially richmond. i felt bad tho, cus i miss two birthdays today. kevin's surprise brithday and then my bestfriend dante's birthday. SHOUTOUTS TO KEVIN WU AND DANTE RICO THO. happy birthday to boffff you guys.

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as i was goina work, i looked at my mile thingy. and it said 777 :) which is the day me and baby started talkin. it was a good thing i was at a stoplight so i grabbed my camera and took a picture :) damn, i'm in love wid my man ! brian, you're amazing. i swear this to you. well anyways, i gotta go to sleep now. its freakin 210am. and i got work tmrw. GO FIGURE. iss nothin tho



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So far, summa has been so damn good to me. on the real tho, ALL I'VE BEEN DOIN IS WORKING. like last summer. but last summer, i didnt have as much bills to pay as i do now. which means, ive been holdin myself back from shopping and shit. which is good ! cus i already be stuntin on these bitches soooo therefore, i dont need new new to get a niggas eye. bdaddysmith already likes how i dress, if ya know whadimean. hahaha. we been good as fuck tho. and i love it !

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So yall know how old navy had the damn $1 flip flop event. And yes, I was working. You wana know how long i worked that day ? 1 til fuckin 11pm. Reee-donk-u-lous ! it was so busy man. had the line go alla way to the back of the store, wrap around the store and everything. not the one. i thank god i didnt open tho, cus i heard as soon as the door opened, niggas started bum rushin eachother. jumpin on topa tables and bitches fightin and shit. OVER ONE DOLLA FLIP FLOPS. i mean cmon now. thrift stores got they shit for cheap but you dont see people fightin for those right !? and then i found out yesterday, the fight escalated when customers went next door and fought again next door and the otha store. hahahahahaha, these sac folks make me laugh.

memorial day was legit. i had work, ofcourse. but yalready know i got paid that overtime. you know. hahaha :) after work, my girlies back at the hometown hit me up and got everyone from our 08fambam together and went to suisun and was heemin it wid my girls.

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which is hella ironic cus outta alla four years of highschoo we all never drank together. i mean, me and shelly drank together. and jem and nelli drank together. but that night, ALL FOUR OF US TOGETHER drank together. and it was theee best. it was pretty crackin. especially since it hasnt been like that ina while. we had hella fun and it lightweight felt like we was back to senior year except this time everyone was on good terms. hahahah.

Work is work. and which its takin over my life cus literally with alla the commercials and sales we got and shit, every week we gets hella busy. be back later hoes !


dzamn, for some reason i havent been inda mood to blog to tell you nosey ass fucks about my life. but hahahah, i'm here now ! so summer vacation is IN ACTION breh ! hella relieved. finals was a piece of caaake. got A's in all three of my classes. finals was a bitch but i got through it okaay. jugglin between work, schoo, studyin was a hassle and i sweaaahhh it took up most of my time so bad that i barely got to sleep :( kuwuwa. but iss whatever now. shit is over and done wid. YALREADY KNOW ! now lets hope i actually get some time to actually have a damn summer vacation. damnit. work is really sweatin me. tmrw was supposed to be my day off, but now im scheduled, meanin ima be workin everyday this week. wtshit. and on saturday we gon have a fatass sale !? damn breh. not cooooooo. at all doe. rockets lost. to who ? THE FUCKIN LAKERS -_- fuck the lakers. i'm sowwee, they weak. they just so happened to get lucky. whatevs tho.

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Wifey's goin to the philippines for too fuckin long - a month. ima be fuckin sad. i thought nobody gets left behind huh !? well bitch ! you're leavin me ! hahahaha. nah i'm kidding.

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baby and i drove alla way to vallejo ona sunday afternoon cus it was his day off and i got off early so we went to go chill wid his sweet sweet grammy. and then went to run some errands wid his mommy. costco, target, foodmax and alla that otha shit. fairfield=squarefield. puahaha !

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we went to claimjumpers for my niggas robbies 18th birthday, which is hella funny cus i had my 18th birthday there too. it was coo. tell me why i really went bad on the server cus they forgot to give baby his cornbread muffin. hahahaha, i felt bad. BUT I MEAN, how you gon forget a small ass item like that !? its just cornbread. goodness ! it was lightweight funny tho. we had a crackin ass time considering the fact that we had two big tables and were the loudest inda whole entire restaurant. wootin and hollerin and makin screamin sounds and shit. it was theee funniest.
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went to staples since baby got me on the employee discounts and got me anotha drawer thingy for my supplies. aye tho, tell me i dont fucks wid two bluetooths tho ! got the pink and the silver. whas good. hahahaha, i found the pink one at work onda floor, finders keepers bitch ! hahahah. MY JERMS ! swooped on it and sanitized that shit and worked wid it. yalready know.
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found my G keychain that baby got for me from disneyland when he went last year :) offtop.

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copped the dvd and music cd's at staples once again cus i had to get rid of them coupons before they expired. someone make me a CD tho ! nah but i needa get the ipod cord installed for my car. cus the radio, NOT CRACKIN. old ass cds from like 5 years ago, some crackin. SOME NAHT.
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his and hers. we cute. thas it for now tho bitches. i really dont got much to talk about cus theres hella days i missed. and i refuse to sit here and think about what the fuck i did. hahahahah. so this is what you get. DEAL WID IT :) see you bitches later !

"You push, I pull"

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my little crybaby.

bullshit. after bullshit. after bullshit.

i hate bein over criticized. is that even possible ? for someone to criticize you so much and tell you that everything you do is always wrong that you tend to feel "over criticized" ? BUT THEN, when you tell them what they do wrong, they treat it as if it were nothing. bumpin heads man. why cant it just be perfect FOR ONE DAY. i havent had a whole complete good day in the longeest time. theres always something that gets to me and get me hella irritated. and for some reason, I DONT SAY SHIT. i let it build. and build. and build. until i burst. but i guess my mom's temporarily stayin in vacaville now ? thank god i decided to go my own separate way cus i wouldnt wana go back around fairfield or anything close. cus then i'd feel like i'm just goin back to step one yehnnoe ? at least bein in sac, i know i can start over again and accept my accomplishments here rather than bein disappointed in alla the bad memories and stressful times i had in fairfield wid family and alla that shit. esp wid my ex. ugh, everytime i go back to fairfield, every corner i turn to, i go back to a bad memory of my ex. but ANYWAYS ! i honestly have to admit, i stress so easily man. its terrible. and i tend to care about others before myself, NO BUENO. i really dont wana retell my current stresses right now. but all i've got to say, is that everything is gona be okaay. i'm gona grow from this situation, do better and accept how my life is. i swear things are gona get better.

cus after you hit rock bottom, the only way you can go, is up :)

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sorry i been MIA my loyal blogspot readers :) but aye tho guess. what.

since i didnt wana deal wid my moms bullshit anymore, i moved out. and where did i move exactly ? well, i'm still in sac. but farther and deeper into sac, SINCE BRIAN LIVES IN THE FUCKIN BOONIES. hahaha, i live wid him now -_- hahaha, i never thought i would move in to live wid my boyfriend. EVER. but ! i guess we gota start somewhere right ? we're good :) we like it. we're adjusting. we barely see eachother tho since schoo and work barely has us home. well actually, its only been TWO days, hahahah. so i cant really tell. this is temporary. cus i know we're prolly gona drive eachother crazy. but thas alright. cus i'm crazily in love wid this fool. only fools fall in love i guess. hahaha, WHATEVER WITH THAT SHIT ! :) anyways !


i realized i dont even have alotta shit. basically my clothes, purses, shoes and alla that necessity type shit :) everything else, i put into my brothers garage unit storage-type-thing-a-ma-bobber at his apartment complex. hahaha i'm content wid my own closet and my drawer for my personals. muahaha, fucks wid it.

yesterday, i wenta schoo. ofcourse. and then in between lab and my careers class, i realized i had a fuckin essay to do, in WHICH i finish within like 30 min :) pretty dope. normally it takes me an hour or two to type a good ass essay, but that one was so easy, and i hella knew what i wanted to talk about, so i bullshitted the essay and still came out wid an A. puahahahaha, whas good wid it biaaatch ! after, i ran a couple errands, went to my moms, fell asleep, watched horton hears a who, loaded up my car with my shit and cut turf and went to take my stuff to brians house, since IM SUCHA NICE GIRLFRIEND, i cleaned OUR fuckin room. hahaha, brians lucky. he gota live-in maid now -_- urghhhhh. hahaha. nah iss good tho.


TODAY, i was supposed to go into schoo early to finish my lab hours, but i woke up late and since our other room-mate turned on the alarm in the living room, i was scared to open the door and set off the alarm since i didnt know the code yet. hahaha, so i went back to sleep til baby came home from schoo. AND THEN, i went to schoo to finish that last hour. then i was dizzzone :) all i gota do now is go to schoo on tuesday next week to take my finals and i'm all good. wahoooooo ! but back to my story. OKAY. so the normal routine every wednesday is to go to walmart and get whatever we need. and normally we go to the one in natomas, BUT ! this time we went to the one in elk grove and THAT ONE SUCKS ! urghhhhh. no need to comment cus i might havta bust out wid a few X-rated words here. but whatever. after that, i dropped baby off back at home and then went to work. LET ME JUST REMIND, that i was late ! for the first time !! EVER !!!!!!!!!!! :( fuckin traffic. fuckin bitch. fuckin fuck. hahahaha.

blah blah blah, work was boring. i was cash handler. we got off work early blah blah blah. but aye tho ! it was payday :) yalready know ya girl gets paid top dolla ! but anywhoooooo. after work, i went to wamu, took out moneys. then went to fill up my tank. THEN, went to bank of america to deposit alla my savings :) muahahaha. ya like that ? i handle cash carefully honey. dont you forget that.

I've hit rock bottom.

bestfriend (12:26:16 AM): sometimes fate puts you through the worst circumstances so that later, when you reach your best, you will appreciate life. you must remember, that in the face of adversity, you must remain strong and push through it without losing your head. if you keep your head in the game, you will never loes.
bestfriend (12:26:19 AM): lose*
KHRISTEEZYYY (12:26:55 AM): ;(
bestfriend (12:28:23 AM): although you're going through so much right now, don't forget, you are luckier than many. you have your health. you have you friends. you have your love. you have your education, dreams, and future ahead of you.
bestfriend (12:28:51 AM): with all this, you're never going to fall. you only reach low points, and then shoot right back up toward high points

damn i got the best bestfriend. After this, i dont know if i could ever go back to how it used to be. family struggles... :( but then now i've hit rock bottom. this struggles gona get harder and harder. Its alright cus i know gods got his eyes on me. keeping me strong. focusing harder. more motivated. more determined. wid a bigger dream. and especially with an ability to appreciate life so much more than i already do.

He's been listenin to my prayers ...


its hella funny cus the day i THOUGHT i was gona get my car, my brother hella was sayin stuff that put me back in thinkin that i was really doubting that i was gona get it. but sporadically, one night, he called me up and was like, "stop by my house tmrw" and i figured he was just gona talk to me about responsiblity and how i need to "do more for this family" [more than i already do.] so i wasnt really thinkin nothin of it. but the next daaay righttttt, the girl that owned car hella randomly called me and told me she was droppin off my car at my brothers house =) and that i could go get it whenever. i was so juiced i wanted to scream, but i mean i had to keep my composure and be caaalm. but maaaan, it just so happened that she called RIGHT after my mom left -_- but hahaha. i just waited for brian to come through to my house after he got off work. tehehe. baby took me to my brothers and we pull up, and i see this BEAUTY OF LOVE waiting for me right inda drivewaay :D i'm hellllaaaa happy, i started doin my "happy feet" dance. i waited for a week man. anticipated and waiting. ever. so. patiently. i'm pretty damn satisfied. i drove off feeling proud that i finally stepped up my game rather than havina drive my moms car yehnnoe. and it was on the day of cinco de mayo. hahaha, wsuuuup.

Oh & remember how i said my nigga richard was locked up ?
HE'S OUT NOWWWW ! Hahaha, and he always be tellin me to get him a wifey, so i guess i'll try to get this nigga some new work. he's single ladies, get atsss.

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the first place we went to wid my car was to babys friends house. hahaha, cus his friends were here in sac and so we chilled there. that night i stayed the night at babys house =) ughhh, he always tries to race me onda freeway. wthh man. hahahah

but this morning, i had work. got "promoted" i guess. hahaha, but iss coo. afterwork, i stopped by the house. and theeeen, went to visit bestfriend in davis since i havent been there ina while. AND i needed some bestfriend therapy. hahaha, damn my bestfriend is a true ass bestfriend. denny phan, you always got my back. always motivating me to strive harder and always believing in me maaan. i gota good bestfriend. hahaha. but while i was in davis, we got a bit hungry and the DC wasnt even open yet, so we went to jack inda box. but when we were on our way to monicababys dorm. we saw this shit ...

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They was actually DRIVING that shit on the streets, it had a motor and everything. wouldnt that be hella crackin to ride in !? hahaha, i mean you imagined ridin and goin on magic adventures on those wagons when you were a kid, but to be in real life form !? i swear, i was astonished.

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i always love eating dinner at the ucd dining common. they always got some crackin ass food and our table is alwaaays the shit. after dinner, we was up in monica's dorm, crackin jokes, dancin to "there she go slidin down that pohhh" hahaha. giggin inda room, talkin about randoms, talkin about whether or not nice and slow by usher is talkin about relationships or sex. hahaha. ITS ABOUT SEX !

all in all, the past couple days have been good to me. i got hella other family problems typa shit stuck on my mind, but i feel no need to vent about that now. cus like me and wifey say, "THIS TOO SHALL PASS" hahaha. til later bitches, love ya !

My favorite love story.

My midnight surprise:


I tried to look for cupcakes but didnt have time to look or make some so i grabbed BLUEBERRY muffins. hahahah, still did the job so i wasnt trippin :)

The next morning:
Fucked wid the costco lunch cus we werent thaat hungry but we got the $1.50 hotdogs that come WITH soda. ohh yeaaahhhhh baby. hahah.
then baby took me to the folsom outlets :)
and let me just say, its structure is confusing as fuck.
but they DO got nice stores there wid nice ass views and whatnot.
The nike outlet.
ugly ass blazers that look like their color ... LIKE SHIT !
>:[ what a disgrace. IMO. goodness.
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19 months, with him. a pretty ass view next to a waterfall where i made three wishes. for me, for my family, and my dearlybeloved baby &bestfriends =)
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baby, winning my prize. hahaha, nah he really didnt get anything.
we got jipped 25 cents, but its coooo. hahahah.
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I swear we're gona own a walmart one day :)

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Baby took me to dinner :D i love arigatos.

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It looked like a mouse, tehehehe.
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Went back to babys house where he got WHOOPED at the game Kerplunk [swear i thought people knew wsup wid that game, that game used to be the shit at daycare back in the day boyee ! muthafuckas used to get rewards when they won that game] hahahaha anyways. and then, suddenly, the lights went out, AND IT WAS A WRAP ! ;) hahaha, nah i'm kidding. we counted sheep together -_- or did we ? ;) MUAHA. damn brian, words cant ever express how much i love you. you got me man, you got me. i may be annoyed by you at times, but damn i cant help myself but realize how much i freakin appreciate everything you do for me and how much i love you. i swear, you're the only man i know that would ever WANT to put up wid my difficulties. Thas when you know what you got is legit. me love you long time baby. "all i'll ever need, is you in my life to help me live longer & love better" damn, i cant believe i'm makin an 87 year commitment. hahaha, but i know its gona be worth it, i know it.