Shoppin is NOT my addiction.

I want, I want ! Thas the dopest, knee shakin car i've ever seen. And i'm not really the sports car typa girl. But zaaaaaaaaaym (: *shivers. Thas sexy.

Worked today, four hour shifts=CRACKIN. But stupid me voluteered to work at 7am tomorrow too ! ): and it was supposed to be my day off. Fuck, fuck, muthafuck, fuck. Iss okaay. $_$. All me. But maaaan. I'm surprised I woke up earlier than my alarm today. Yesterday, I worked from 9-6pm. And when I got home, I PASSED THE FUCK OUT. Me sow shweeepy. And then I woke up at 6am this morning. Wierd ? Iuno. But now, i'm tired again. I needa get some sleep cus shiiiiit, hahaha. Bought B some polos today. I spoil that maan, I swear. Not for long tho. Cus my $$$, is mines ! ALL MINE. Damnit.

Ohh, lookeeey here (; MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

Sexy assssssssssssssssssssssssss shit ! An 08 coupe. Okaay, i'm done drooling and fantasizing for today, i'll stick wid the civic I'm forced to drive. Tsssssssss.

I would never do this, but since i'm in love ...

I aint got nothin to hide (:

Okaay, seriously goodnight !


Goina work today felt so relievin, especially since I was able to get out the house.

I freal didnt get no kinda sleep last night, cus I even woke up hella upset. What the fuck, ever. When I got home, I didnt even care whatsoever. But that doesnt mean that it wasnt on my mind. I hate havin so much built inside. But honestly, what could I have done ? I did everything I could on my part. And one little thing caused justa big situation. fdjhfjhfjkghfdkjghkjhgjhfdjk !

Fuckit, I'm not even gona hold onta somethin that shouldnt even be worth shit to me. Shit happens. I love my brothers tho, freal. They're all I got and all I need. Even tho we fight and say fucked up ass things, we still faaaamily. And they're all the family I need. Moms and my grandparents too. Other than that, iunevencare. Straight up.

After a talk wid my brother, I was coo. Man, I straight up look up to my brother. ON EVERYTHING. When I let some more frustration out, b showed up at my house. At the RIGHT, PERFECT time too. Ahhhh. That boy always knows howta make me smile. And I love when he agrees wid me wid things (: and sleepover's are always coo ! (: we gota go to sleep now. I got work at 9am ! ): I cant stand these 8 hour shifts mayn. But whatevaaa, if i was ever addicted to anything, iss my well EARNED money.

PS- some bitches stole hella jeans from the store, what some broke ass bitches. Taha ! Note: No money, no swag. Esp those stolen merchandise havin hoes. Damn, I always feel good goin shoppin knowin that I worked hard for my shit. Anyways, i'm thinkin bout movin eastcoast, this westcoast lifestyle aint workin wid me and I aint triena fucks wid it nomore. Nighhhhhhhhhht.

Learnin process.

I'm startin to learn as the years keep comin at me, people stop givina fuck. So therefore, thas exactly what i'm gon do. I hate caring and doin shit for ungrateful ass people. I aint fuckin wid it anymore. I've done so much for other people without even thinkin of myself. SO, fuck that shit. That side of Khristine's gone.

I hate bein nice to these dumbass people. I do so much shit outta heart and get backstabbed like iss nothin. Yesterday musta been one of the most worst days i've had ina whiiiiiile. Man, I'm startin to feel my family is more broken than ever. And at the enda the day, all I have is myself.

I cant be fuckin around anymore, I can only depend on myself. Cus iss nice to know that I cant even count on "family" to be there whatsoever. I'm so drained on this shit. I needa get the fuck away. For like a couple days, freal. Everywhere I go, shit aint crackin for me. Either i'm too nice and people take that shit for granted or ima fucked up ass bitch and I got them hatas wantin me to kill a bitch. I can never win. And i'm straight up sick of it.


You know those girls that staaay on gettin the info about you and your current bf or lover. Yeah, bitches like that, GET ON MY NERVES. Please please please, let me hold my tounge. Oh my gaaad. People just needa know when enough is enough. Cmon now, I mean if you're still on his nuts, BITCH JUST SAY SO. As a mattafact, let the whole world know why dont you. Hahahaha. Just cus I was ina good mood again, i painted my nails brightass pink again. And cus I thought it was cute and I got hella compliments about it at work. When I painted my nails gold, my coworkers went crazy. But shit, what do I look like ?! I do NOT paint nails for a living. I only do my own. I needa save up for my new phone (: cus I'm supadupamuthafuckaaaayne excited ! Gphone. Ohhh myyyy. Me and you are meant to be. TRUST. Iss gona seriously complete my needs, well besides a new car. But pshhh thas besides the point. I'm sayin stupid stuff. And i'm craving more curry. Kbye !

"Family day"


Honestly the most dope thing in sacramento, seein that. made me feel. like home. Since the bayarea has so much graffiti yehnnoe ? It was nice to see that. Yesterday was family day. Hahah, or technically, "Khristine babysitting and spendin hella money" day. Hahaha, gaaaaahd. It was coo tho. I needed a kids day wid family yehnnoe. Watchin Brian hold kyle was heart touching too (: it was fuckin cute ! Except, I know damnwell we're not havin three kids. Pshhhh, I dont think I can handle alla that. Especially that whole, van shit. I REFUSE TO BE A MOM THAT DRIVES A VAN. Pshhh. Hahaha. We went to old navy, went out the eat, went to the park, and then to arden. What. a. day. And when brian and I got home, it was one on one time. Man next week tho, next friday to be exact. Iss gona be a year. Ima cry like a bitch, watch. We made it so far.

Its lightweight hard thinkin that we're not even together, but yet, we are in some sense. But iuno, whateva. When the time is right, iss gon happen. And I aint complainin one bit. Cus I love that man ! My sexy ass, "black lookin" but he's really japanese, maaan. He's so cute ! *melts.

Before I go to sleep.

Dream interpretations are pretty fuckin legit. My most recent. From last nights. This is from one dream, each thing that was in my dream meant something.

To dream that you are saving an animal's life suggests that you are acknowledging particular emotions and characteristics of the animal.
If your car is over-heating, this suggests that you are exhausted and emotionally drained and it is time to slow down. To dream of a camera signifies your desire to cling on to the past. It may also represent your need to focus on a particular situation. To dream of a party suggests that you need to take time out to socialize To dream that you are looking through a photo album suggests that you are not willing to let go of the past. To have a dream that takes place at night represents some major obstacles and setbacks in achieving your goals. There are some issues in your life that are not very clear at the moment.


Remember when you were hella young and you saw things in tv that you wanted to see in real life ? WELL. 7 long years later, look what I seen today. ^^^^^^^^^^^

Tell me that shit aint dope. TELL ME, you wouldnt wana ride in that tho ?! Cus freal, it had seats as if it were a muthafuckin bus. I haaad to take a picture. And then like 10 feet away from it was some table to buy stickers, buttons and bumper stickers that said, VOTE FOR OBAMA. Hahah, maybe they were advertising hella shit there or something. But maaaan, ima own a wienermobile one day. ONE DAY. Tahaaaaa i'm kidding. So because of my unrealiable coworkers, I HAVE TO WORK TOMORROW ): bitches. But after, catch me inda 707 laaands ! HOPEFULFUCKINLY. I hope, i hope, i hope. I barely keep in touch wid anyone out here in sactayyyywn.

Simply because, i'm always working ! >=[ Grrrrrr. Me miss me fraynds. Me miss me girls. But gaahd I cant help it if ima true money maykaaaaaa. $$$. Thas gona be my first tattoo watch [something about money], TRADEMARK BITCHES. If I see a bitch wid a money sign tattoo, ima get off on her ass. First girls wana ask where I get my clothes, then they wana ask how I do my hair, then they wana ask about my shoes. WHAT THE FUCK ! GRRRRR bitches, GRRRR.

Join a danceteam ? Or do volunteer work ? Besides workin almost everydamnday, i needa hobby. Cus hoopin is gettin old. Club's have BEEN old. I dont smoke, dont drink. gkjfdhgfdjkhgjkghjghjghfjkg !


Team Millenia got swaaaag. Alla their videos. I watch. I get hooked.

Off work today. Therefore, nothin exciting besides cleanin the house and relaaaxing. I love the # of hours goin to my paycheck ! (: just thinkin about it is gettin me excited. Because the number of $$$ in my account is gettin pretty, yay !

I'm startin to think relationships are too much for me. I try and try, haaaaard. Gaahh, why cant guys be the girls in the relationship. Why do they have to be so passive to cover their ego and pride. Grrr I say, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I'm good at keepin my feelings to myself. Hella good. But maaan, I cant help it if I'm soooo in loooooooeeee-ve !


After work today, I was craving for the best. And the best, I got. Hahahahaha. Man tho. I hate keepin shit in dont you ? But you keep it in to prevent things from happenin cus you know iss not worth the headache and stress. DAMN. Whatevssssssss. I swear, I feel like I stay worryin about everyone else besides myself. I need to fuckin stop ! But anyways, so much shit happens in Sac it aint even funny. You think iss a nice ass place to live. But shit happens out here like iss SF streets. Grimey ass people pullin licks on whatever the fuck they feel like. Hahaha, dumb broke ass people.

I will never ever ever volunteer to take a early shift ever again. I had to work from 8am-5pm today. And this morning, WAS NOT THE ONE. I woke up tired as fuck. Still managed to do my hair all nice and got dressed. But my mood was not crackin. I was tired the whoooooooole day. I normally wake up coo inda mornings, but this morning was not even coo. When I was drivin to work, I realized I left my amp drink on the counter. GAHHHHH ! Issall good tho. I survived the day. Bsmith and I went to in and out aftaaawork. I swear, I fall asleep so quick when I sleep next to him. Naps are craaaaaaaackin. And now, thas why i'm so fuckin awake ! Okaay, thas it for now. Iun have much to say at this exact moment. Hahah, nighhhhhhhhht.


Jazzy's debut pictures are up ! YAY. I musta been so patient for these damn pictures but hey, they are fuckin cuuuute. Okaay so anyways, I hate that I have my moody times. I hate that I push people away. I guess it's just cus I never really had anything so forsure that i'm afraid to lose it ? I become bitter and mean, stubborn and hardheaded. I guess you could say that. I hate that I have a fuckin menstrual cycle and I have to go through this "thinkin too much" bullshit. But whatevssssssss. I have those superpeople who put up wid me, thank god. Cus honestly, i dont know how they do it. Today, I didnt do a daaaamn thing. Allllll I practically did, was stay home, clean clean clean like the cinderella type that I am ! And all that nice shit. I have a million songs stuck in my head. It's my serious, unrelying addiction that I seriously cant get rid of. If I could be anything in this world, I'd be a music note. NO LIE. Hahaha, okaay nevermind that was gay as fuck. But I cant help it if I love music. I even love my doggy mochi. Cus when I sing to her, she listens, sits on my laugh, and stares at me. I love her so much, we took her to taco bell wid us, and even walmart ! People mighta stared a couple times but who caaares. I've been craving candy for some reason. And my favorite candy in the whole wide world WAS NOT there at the store earlier. I was utterlly disappointed.

I swear tho, there is a sick virus goin around cus everyone and their fathers are gettin sick. And it is no joke. Even my poor bestfriend Denny thas in mormonville right now is sick, nooooo ! It traveled like the, what did he say ? "The sisterhood of the travelin pants" or someshit ? Hahah, that was hella gay Denny and I hope you're readin this. Okaay so I'm 18 years old. It is mid-september and I am already writing my christmas list. WHO CARES, kill me now, and screw yourself. Tahaaaa. And I totally cant wait for my f21 package to come through cus I hella love the hat that I bought. Muahahaha. I love shoppin online cus it allows me to sit and home and disclude the aching pain I get from walkin around at the mall.

Mannnnnnnnnnnn, I wish I went to schoo this semester. I wish I had REAL parents to take care of me, instead of a mom that only cares for herself. I wish I didnt havta fully support myself, but I'm 18 now. I have to. So in that case, schoo isnt in my vocabulary til January and work has me workin like a businesswoman even tho I hate hate hate it. I miss schoo and I miss having homework. I miss those times when people call me and I'll be like, "I'll call you back later ! I'm doin my homework !" Damnit. Now when they call, I have to make up an excuse, like i'm using the ladies room or something. Whatever, this blog is long. For absolutely, NO REASON and it is 3am.

PS- I love you Brian Smith. Even tho we're not official. Just know that I hate that I cant truly say that you're my boyfriend cus we're "fixin" things right ? Dont give up on me no matter how confusing I am and how frustrated you get wid me. I know I may be young but my love for you is growin each day no matter what. Even tho we have our times, dont let me go. And no matter what joke I tend to make up that prolly has you thinkin i'm talkin to another guy, dont believe it. I say that shit to get a reaction, which is wrong. Just know that I love you. Okaay ?


There is somethin wrong when i'm up this late and everyone else is sleeping AND there is no food at my house. BOOOOOOOOOOO. I got music tacked in my mind like i'm on drugs, but damn I cant say I dont love it. I needa new playlist tho. Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh !

PS- I love online shopping. Package arriving this weekend, woooooo ! (: goodnight lovaas.