
I'm emotionally, physically and mentally stressed and exhausted. I've worked my ass off this entire summer. Now, allll that i want, all that i'll ever ask for, is to be able to enjoy my teenage youth for once in my life without havin to worry about the next bill bein paid and triena put in some extra hours at work to make ends meet. Its killin me. And I dont know how much longer I can take it.


Performed this song at church three years ago.
And it gets me through the tough almost everytime.

Time'sa waistin.

July 27th, 6:15pm.

July 28th, 3:05am.
"If he's not makin you happy, there's always that one particular someone that GOD chose that will make you happy, go beyond the limits and climb mountains, patience will guide you."

July 29th, 7:52pm.
"If you're not makin him happy, let him be. Let him explore what it feels like to not have you try anymore. Don't force love or think love can conquer, but its not always certain that it can overcome 'all' obstacles. And if someone else ends up makin him happy, be happy for him" first and foremost forgiving is easy, but the only hardest part is lettin go.

Okaaay ! Enough wid these breakup stories. Im heeeella happy. I can honestly explain every aspect and reflect on how much I love brian. We genuinely love eachother. The best thing about us, is that we're like the best of friends and we love one another for who we are and what we're about. We're not selfish and do everything together. We laugh together, struggle together, laugh together, the whole nine. And its weird cus even after what ... almost two years, I can still talk about brian and get butterflies from how he makes me feel. Truth be told, he's not always the most affectionate or the best at expressing his feelings, but in alla his actions, he gives me security, support and love all in one. And thas all I've ever needed. Wid brian and I, we BOTH give and receive our loyalty and time, equally. Understandin is one of our strong points in this relationship. And we've pretty much been through it all. The insecurities, the arguements, the emotional breakups, the throwin-things-at-eachother [when all we wanted was a simple kiss], the cries out for eachother, the breath-takin moments and the best ones that change your entire life. The thing that I love, is that we both got common sense. Stupidity just doesn't come to mind when it comes to our love. I know what makes brian mad, brian knows what makes me mad. And we've learned that through the tough months and crucial times. And let me tell you, we've been through some cruuuuucial ass times. But Brian is a man, I'm a woman. We respect eachother and set the pride aside for one another everyday. We're like a womb that was cut deep. And we're forever scarred, wid the love we've created <3

July 30, 155am.
So its wierd how after hella years, you end up findin yourself wid the most random people you'd ever think you'd end up wid. In highschoo, I never stuck wid a certain group and stayed loyal to a certain handfulla friends. I was coo wid alota people, I had a new close friend almost every month and then changed up my interests wid another close friend, but yet i hated some bitches, didn't care for some people, but yet made a lifetime of memories in highschoo wid almost everyone somehow, someway. And I don't regret anything in highschoo. I got my respect I needed, kept my distance from some but got hella close to a selected few. But its been a year since I've graduated and I find myself chillin wid people that I never thot I'd kickit wid. Some who I'd never think to be close to. But there's nothin wrong wid that :D But today as I was drivin home, I realized how much I hate that I'm so conservative, I keep to myself cus throughout my entire childhood, trust never came easy to me. I know I have a strong sense of judgement. And that I have high expectations, not to mention my high maintenance mentality. I just expect alot from anyone and everyone when it comes to me givin someone else my time, but then I can adjust to any type of crowd and get along wid almost anyone, make sense ? Im just one indecisive wreck and I need to stop. There are times when I come off as a bitch and people think im just some stuck up ass asian chick and only worries about herself. Nah, nah. Its not even like that. I grew up and TAUGHT MYSELF to look out for noone else but me due to the tough circumstances I've been through. But in reality, if you know me inside and out, I care for everyone else before myself, which takes up alla my energy and time. Im dedicated and committed to havin someone say they can count on me. But maaan, I was waaay to young when I was introduced to independency, all I ever knew was to depend on myself. But inda end, my girls get me through it all. And I give them my truest acknowledgement for havin me whenever I needa vent session. I may not have a set groupa bestfriends, but I got numerous amounts of love and support from a fatass mob of girls throughout almost every damn area code. And wid each and every individual, our friendship is locked wid a tough, solid foundation. But damn, college, work and triena keep up wid myself is exhausting. I wish I had the time like I used to have. There's just not enough hours inda day for me to let alla my girls know how much I appreciate them. But here, it's true. To my girls, I love youuuuuu !

Dr. Phil ? They call me the female version.

So summer comes and its the same story for almost... everyone. The love they trusted ends with a downfall of disappointments and just becomes one big dysfunctional emotion streak. And its not like its just ONE of my girls goin through it, alot are. And who ends up hearin about it alla time ? Ofcourse I. And the thing is because, I've experienced what it is to have someone dip in and outta your life just cus summer rolled around. And the first thing that always comes to mind when June-July hits is the joy of bein single. I remember once a upon a time [okay not that long ago] i went through the saaame thing. But guess what, he came back. Unexpectedly I should add, but he DID come back. Looks to me like HELLA of my girls are goin through what I had already gone through last summer. And i hate to see each and every one of my girls go through the devastating situations they've come across due to some silly dumb minded ass nigga that just obviously DONT KNOW WHAT THEY WANT. How I handled it? Let me ponder the thought of last year real quick.

So basically, regardless of what situation, what rumor or what disappointment comes along that tries to bring you down, stand your grounds. Niggas will leave not because they dont love you, but because they always want more than what you can give. You can give and give til you've got nothin left, but regardless, they always want more. So when summertime rolls around, test your patience. And let's just say -like current stories- your man leaves you. They give you some bullshit ass excuse for why they wana break up wid you and then the next day, a close friend tells you the truth that you shoulda heard inda first place. And what the truth is? Well it starts with, "Another girl..." somewhere around it right? And the first thing you do, is you contemplate in your mind what YOU did wrong to make him leave and how it lead to where you've ended up. And then you start thinkin to yourself, "Outta all people, why me" or "What the hell did I do wrong to deserve this" but the real question is, "Do you deserve this ? OR BETTER" and ofcourse, the muthafuckin answer better be, hell yeah you deserve better !!!!!!!!

When Brian and I broke up last summer, I'm not gon lie. It was alllllll bad for like a day or two. Those entire two days, I stayed locked up in my cage, mad at the world, takin out my frustrations on everyone I knew. But that second day, i took a good ass breather and realized, no nigga is more important than MY OWN HAPPINESS. To me, my happiness is more important than anything else in this world. See, my ex of four years taught me alot. And no matter what the fuck he put me through, I never retaliated back to what he did to me. I stayed loyal not to him, but to myself and respected myself most of all. You have no idea how many times i've heard the phrase, "Another girl" bein inda picture. I've never put myself in a position to where I got mad about the "other girl" and ended up wantin to fight or go outta my way to keep whats mine. Because I know that regardless, he still chose her over me. Why fight for something thats not in my control. You cant make someone love you, no matter how much you love them more. You cant control someone's feelings. How they feel is reaction to the situations they've gone through, with you. So if they feel like leaving you for some DOWNGRADE ass bitch, then girrrrrrl !? Smile back in his face and let him know he left the best thing that ever happened to him. Dont chase, dont show weakness and most importantly, dont break your strong self-image. Cus inda end, that niggas gona realize what the hell he's got himself into when you're doin better than you've ever donewithout him. And you're prolly thinkin to yourself, "What am I gona do now?" you know what you do !? You do what every girl does, HAVE FUN AND MAKE YOURSELF HAPPY. Cant no otha nigga make you more happy than you can make yourself happy, truuuueshit. These niggas triena say they wana have fun ? Nah, girls do it waaay better. The thing that girls nowadays dont understand is that, THEY DONT NEED A MAN TO MAKE THEM HAPPY.

No nigga is gona take you to your dreams, no niggas gona accomplish your goals for you. Every girl has the strength to get by on their own and sometimes i see it in my girls where they just dont understand that concept. Regardless, no matter how hard or how complicating, its a hard ass learning process that i learned years ago. Its just a lesson that ever girl should know before tearing your own heart apart. Nobody can break your heart but yourself.

Stay strong girl.

I promise things are gona get 100x better. Offtops.

A successful surprise.

The day that i've been stressin off for a long ass time. All I wanted for the month of july was for Brian to have a good birthday. I mean, he always told me about how all of his birthday sucked and how his parents always forgot about his birthday. And from that point on, I always wanted to throw him the perfect birthday just for him. So therefore, I planned it all out. All of it.

A month before his birthday, i sent out invitations to have a surprise birthday pahhhty at our house here in Sacramento. A week before his day came and I was more stressed cus I had to buy alla the alcohol-because you cant have a good time at a party without juice! - hahaha. and then I bought whatever else i could to at least make it decent. but with my luck, i had to work full shifts almost everyday that week of his birthday. the only day that i had off, was his birthday. so i had to be hella sneaky and make moves during my lunch hours, before i went to work, or after work. i even had to plan for his bestfriend to be the one to get my house keys from me and to be the one to help decorate the house and to open the door for when everyone else gets there. hahahahaha, hella shit. but it was cooo though !

the day of came. and midnight struck. all i had was a cake thing that i quickly bought from starbucks-cus i fucks wid the sweets there, AND I GET DISCOUNT- and put a lameass candle and sang happy birthday to him by my lonesome at midnight. it made him happy though.


but he didnt eeeven know what i had in store for him. so that morning, he woke up, sad and upset, explainin to me how nobodys gona remember that its his birthday and how he knew his parents werent even gona say happy birthday and whatnot. but we got ready. got dressed and drove out to vacaville to go bowling at Starz. Played about three games and baby got whooped. And i didnt even try though ! hahahaha, damnit. but after, we chilled for a while and went to the arcade where he whooped me in airhockey. WHATEVER !


at that point, his bestfriend rick was supposed to come through and pick up the keys but they had somethin goin on and couldnt meet me up til later. so i sweeaaar i had to think of alla the dumbest shit that i could to stall the boy from wantin to go home. hahaha, we went to fairfield to go visit his grandma, cus i knew seein his grandma would make him a happy boy, so we went there and he got his birthday gifts from his grandma and his brother. and then i got hella hungry so we went to applebee's in vacaville-where rick was supposed to meet us once again! but didnt show up- so time flies by and i'm still anticipating in my mind wtfuck else i was gona do to stall. so after we ate dinner, i was actin like i was hella full hahahaha, and was triena stay in the car for a while. cus i was driving.


so finally rick textes me and tells that he's in vacaville and i told him to meet me at the outlets so i could sneak him the key somehow. hella slick though ! he came through and was actin like he just came to visit him and told brian that he had to go to his auntie's house. while they was talkin, i hella slipped him the house key. HELLA SLICK ! hahahaha, brian had no clue.

so from then on, i just had to stall in time for them to get to my house and decorate and shit so after rick left and after the outlets, i decided to take brian to this view in vacaville that i knew and tried to get his mind of his worries. and it did ! sooner or later, he was like "alright, lets go home" in my mind, i was like fuuuuck, but i tried to remain as calm as i could. and at this time i knew hella people were triena get to my house in time for the surprise cus they were all textin me and callin like some idiots !


I was hella thinkin in my mind, "what the fuck else could I do to stall some extra time?" and i thought, i should go to the bank or somethin hella stupid. so, i did. hahaha, and it bought me like some extra 15 minutes. and from the bank we went headed home, and during crunch time, my heart started racing hella fast, cus i was just prayin in my mind, hopin that nobody fucks up the surprise. but hella dumbfucks were blowin up my phone, askin for the address to my house and shit. and i was like, fuckit and set my phone down.

we show up at the house and i had brian open the door, and while he put the key inda door, he hella stops and was like, "i hear people talking" ahahahaha. And from there, the night began perfectly. the surprise was more than i could ask for. he was soooo shocked and stuck that i had to push him through the door after they surprised him. he couldnt believe i actually did all of it and throughout the whole night, he just kept thankin me and tellin me he loved me. AINT THAT SWEEET ;) when all i wanted was for him to have a birthday to finally remember. And after lastnight's ordeal, i know he's never gona forget.


and to my surprise, damnear everyone that i invited and damnear everyone that I WANTED to be there, was there. I never thought i'd see that many heads in my house tho, but it all planned itself out correctly. Alla brians boys came, his bestfriends came, my girls came. And it was peeerfect. And FINALLY, i got him to drink ! no pressure tho, he did it all on his own. and i know he had a good time.


the only thing that sucked, was that it took us almost two hours to clean every single piece of damn confetti in our house. it fuckin traveled everywhere ! but itsall good. it was all worth it when baby told me, "i had the best birthday ever, thanks to you baby" :) and thas all i wanted to hear by the enda the day. WHAT A SUCCESS.

Lets fly.

I wish I had time. Time to have time. Time to do me. Time to relax. For once, i wish i could be a normal teenager. I keep tellin myself that ima take a break from all of this hectic shit. I swear, i'm plannin like 20 things in my mind at once daily. For work, for myself, for my family, plannin my bills, plannin brian's birthday, plannin schoo inda fall, everything. at once. I'm like an organizer, mentally. In my mind, i think calculations, dates, and time. Imagine my brain though. I'm only 19 years old & i live the life of a 23 year old. And to tell you the honest truth, i'm goin crazy. I work so damn hard. I just want another two day off break. I loved it. It had me refresh everything that was on my mind. For example, right now, i'm thinkin of all the things that i could possibly update you lovely readers on, but i'm just flowin my fingers across the keyboard with the first thing that pops in my head. But throughout the time that I do have other than this during my everyday life, i'm plannin things before doin them. I'm a very precise, organized person. I swear, I thought I had OCD growin up til i watched it on the true life of what it REALLY was. And I just like things to be exactly where it needs to be.

I learned how much i've changed within the past year. I realized last year around this time, I worked three different jobs. Banana Republic, Footaction, and English tutoring for incoming college students-stupid economy. I lived in Fairfield. With my mom who was barely ever home. She was always out partying with her friends handin out her money like it was growin on our front lawn flower bushes or working an hour away. Though she'd just be spendin the money she worked for on pointless, unnecessary shit, leavin ME with nothin. I paid for my own meals, my own groceries, my own bills & helped others with theirs. I was hella alone last summer. I didnt keep in touch wid nobody but family. I didnt have my own car, my time was limited but it was all to myself. BUT NOW, i feel like all eyes are always on me. Like i'm givin everyone else my time besides havin time for myself. I feel like i got people breathin down my neck triena see when i'm gona make some stupid mistake for them to judge me or they have high expectations for me. And its like, i guess i'm makin everyone happy since I havent heard any complaints right. But right now, like right at this exact moment, i realized that no matter how many people are watchin my every move-hoping that l'll fall flat on my face or hopin for high end success- i just know that regardless, i work harder & earn everything that i'm about. i earn the gratitude & respect that i deserve. And that I consider my feelings first and reflect on what makes me happy. and who i have in my life are all that i need. and everyone else are just opportunists- in a good or bad way. I realized that within the whole entire year that i've been here in Sacramento, the only NEW people that i've met are my coworkers and a handfulla guys that know people I already knew. But then, i dont blame myself. I'm always indoors. I'm not the outgoing girl I used to be. I'm too busy, and I JUST DONT HAVE THE TIME ANYMORE :(


Mon: I had work blah blah blah. The same as shit. Man, I wish I had the extra time. The extra time everyone else my age has to go do whatever the hell I want. But no, I swear im livin the life of a 28year old woman. Independent as fuck as I would call it. I have noone to complain to about my financial needs, noone to support me when I need it, I do everything on my own. With my own hard worked money from a damn retail store ! Haha, nah. IMO, its the best retail job I could ever imagine. Retail stores nowadays, they be strugglin. But for some odd reason, not mines. But ! Im daaamn happy about that.

ANYWAYS. So this section goes out to CHARLENE BANZON, my muthafuckin numero uno bitch, my ride or die, my mainy, my sidekick, my trealbitch, my wifey, teammate, future roomie ... my snookums, my cuppycake gumdrops, hahahahaha. Okaay im done. But anyways, this the main right here, cus aint no otha bitches more real than the ones I got. Yalready know I miss you bitch. You needa sneak out when I get out there and chill one time. Take one for the team ! Ahahaha. What happened to teamfamous ? Haha, what had happened was everyone else did they own shit to where it was just me and you left onda team. WEAKSHIT. Issaalll good tho, iss me and you til the end. I swear, when its me and you in one room, we got bitches intrigued by our swag and intimidated by our style. But has that ever bothered us ? Hell nah. But we really do needa get those video phones, that'd be the bidniz. I wouuuld fucks wid the macbook but ya girl got bills and a husband to support with my crazy ass business life. YOU KNOW YOU'S MY WIFEY THOUGH. Right hand. Main bitch. Lets take over the world.

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PS- I swear, she's naht a fob. FAR FROM IT. She's got the language of a true bitch and doesnt say, "pootball flayer." Trust me. We dont fucks wid those, HAHAH. I have to admit, she does get slaves, in that i mean droolin ass niggas ! Ofcourse my mainbitch has to look saucy ona daily. and with that, i trust that she carries our legacy. Haaaa ! In charwifeys words, TOODLES BITCH ! :)

The truth of summer days.

Thursday-the 9th: I had work, duhh. And fucked wid that 10-7 shift. Mmm, it felt damn good to be able to take a break after workin some intense ass shifts and havina run the damn store by my 5"0 lonesome. Hahahaha, I mean the other managers are there sometimes, but mainly its me and two other supervisors. But its me whose gota run that shit when I'm there and imagine me, 5"0 tall, runnin the entire store. Iss good tho, it has its ups and downs. Depending on the day and who's workin wid me, work can be craaackin as fuck. But other than that, it can truly take alot outta me. I swear, the store I work at is big and im like walkin all throughout store to make sure everythings gettin done and shit. It gets tiring ! Hahaha, but inda end, I love it there. There aren't alotta people who can say they love their job, but I can.

Friday- the 10th: Rickystopher's birthday ! Too bad I had to work a 4am-1pm shift this day. Fml foreaaaal. But I had to help wid signage and marketing and we gots it done :D we had a leadership meeting and that took like an hour ina half. Hahaha so after the meeting I clocked out but then I still had to go to the store's property management building to get the approvement for the car wash. Cus we're fundraising for AIDS walk in SF on the 19th, get there ! This is my first year goin and my other coworkers keep tellin me iss gona be craaackin so im kinda hyped. Actually, im just kinda excited to be able to be back inda bay for one whole day. BASICALLY. After, we hit up Hercules and chilled wid Rick's fam and his crazy girlfriend that for some reason, i still love her, HI JERALENE. Its always good to see Brian wid his friends. He's happy to see old faces and gets that personality within him that lets his friends know that, regardless of how time flys by, he's still the same, smart, intelligent, sensitive person ever. I love it :)

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Saturday- the 11th: woke up and baby was gone at work already. Worked anotha 11-6 shift. Im lovin these short shifts. Ahhh, I swear workin fulltime is a bitch but somebodys gota pay these bills. I don't got mommy and daddy supportin me. Everyone in my family off doin they own thiing, especially me. And im only 19. Alla my girls off gettin cashed out but pops and mama. But not me, I've been supportin myself since I was 15. But inda end, I got used to it. I can't ever imagine myself not workin and havin someone pay my bills like everyone else. I meeaaan, it would be nice ! But nothin in life is free. Shiiiet. Money don't buy happiness, but it does buy success. And im gettin there. By the time im 22 I see myself wid a career that I love doin wid an atmosphere of people that I love workin wid.

Anyways at work we had a fundraiser by havina car wash next door from the store, but it didn't work as successful as I woulda thot. All cus the employees that were washin cars were men. Hahaha, they wanted girls. But iss whatever. It was pretty busy for a saturday, for once. Lately durin the weekends we been slow, but today we was makin sales so it was coo. I got off at 6 and smashed home. Kuya and my sissy-in-law bought a new car and they wanted me to go visit, so I swooped B and went. Took the backroads and was pretty impressed. The house is huge ! And their closet is like the size of another room. Mmm, and they've been stayin there triena paint the house and stuff so I was gona go get food and bring my niece and nephew wid me. But as we were pullin outta the driveway, my nephew starts screeaamin ! Hella cryin and shit. So I dropped him off back and as we were leavin again, I heard this wierdass sound comin from my car, so I was like wtfuck is that ? Brian looks out the window and tells me my fuckin tire was flat ! >:[ damnnnniiit ! I was pissed. Thank god brian knew howta change a tire or else I woulda been fucked ! I was pretty pissed tho, wth man. And what popped my tire was one of those hard staples that construction workers use and shit. That small ass thang popped my muthafuckin tire. Urrghhhhh, whatever tho. So we fucked wid the spare and drove back to the house. We planned on goin to this lil function at rick's friends house cus he was celebratin his birthday out in sac. So we went home and brian drove. We got there and seen brians homies and just chilled. They was fuckin wid beerpong and I was so sleepy i wasn't really feelin it so we dipped. Went home and knocked, ahhhh. It felt good knowin I didn't have work the next day. I love my sundays off.

Sun- the 12th: woke up supaaaa early, got ready and headed to vallejo to help his mammy and chill wid his family the whole day. It was coo chillin wid his family. Thas the longest I've chilled wid his family at a time. It was pretty dope. His daddy loves me ! We ate and was pretty much tellin old stories and listenin to his dad tell ancient history stories about how Sonny Chiba- a famous japanese actor- is brian's "Great Second Uncle" and how he's like the japanese version of Bruce Lee and a whole buncha other stuff. It was dope. We spent the whole day wid his mammy, daddy and bros but didn't have time to visit his grammy. And she's used to seein us every weekend. SAD ! Ended the night slappin 2pac and a diamond ring on my finger. It was a good day.

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The past couples days.

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I've been lookin for the perfect HBIC dress for my mans special day. and i'm hella picky. wish me luck.

Me and jem's been together. Doin grown thangs. Doin what any girl would do when they get outta relationship. We went shopping, ate froyo-frozen yogurt for you kids that dont know- ate, ate, went shopping, at ice cream. and ... ate. hahahaha, nah after alla that, she good. Brian and I gave her the strength she needed to get by. There musta been somethin inda ice cream ! hahaha, i'm jokin. i've had a magnificent two days off. i hella needed it. I needed the rest. I needed the calm. And I definitely needed the quality time with Brian. It sucks cus livin together, we thought we'd have alot of time for eachother, but the thing that always gets us, is that i'm always working. i'm actually excited for this weekend. got a couple thangs on my checklist this weekend ;)


So wednesday -the 8th, my babies from highschoo came through to sac. Damn jem, me and you four days ina row tho ? Hahah, marnelli and steve came out to Sac to have a feel of the true Sac experience. Right when we met up, I drove over towards the mall cus they was hungry so we stopped by bigspoon one time :D my faaaav. and for hella long we were contemplating between Mizu or Arigatos. Since we were already by the mall we went to Arigatos instead of the buffet cus we weren't hella hungry like that. Jem had class that day and we all basically told her she wasn't going and cut it at that. Itsall love tho, she will be successful. Hahaha, mmm arigatos is the shit for a quick sushi scheme. I ordered golden cali and seaweed salad. after we went over to jems so we could get marnelli's car and we was gona go to my house so I could cook dinner. So steve drove marnelli's car and I drove mines, cus duhhh I was goin home and jem just rode wid me. When we got there we quickly fucked wid her macbook and started preparing the food even tho we were still hella full. Then, I remembered we still had fireworks from the fourtha july and decided to fucks wid those to help entertain us in the meantime while the food was cooking. While we were still waiting we were makin silly videos and such and ended up findin the boxin mittens in the livin room. Me VS Aj and then Jem VS Marnelli. Go watch it on her youtube to see who won, but that shit was heeeella funny. After we brought it down to a coo chill level, the food that I cooked was ready-Chicken soup and baked biscuits. It was deelish. I need to start cookin more at home, I just never really have the time to, ahhhh.

A weakass fourth of july.

So out of all managers, I ended up having to close cus the GM, my boss, ended up going on vacation. And then the other manager had family emergencies so I was STUCK. And baby had already planned to go to Vallejo to help his mammy. So, another fourtha july, GONE. That morning I woke up sad knowin that I wasn't gona be able to spend another fourtha july wid Brian. Since last year we were broken up and the year before, we were just barely gettin to know eachother. I WOKE UP CRYIN, DAMNIT ! Cus yehnnoe, every girl always sees the perfect fourth of july cuddled up next her man, under the full lit sky of sparkles and loud booming sounds. But no, not me. I had to work :( fuck overtime, outta all days, I didn't wana be at work. Whatever tho, I had to stick it out. The whole day was just one retarded ass mess. I ended up having to do, EVERYTHING. Whatever tho, it has to be done somehow.

I planned on leaving Sac around 915pm at the latest. During my lunch, I bought fireworks and everything ! So basically, as soon as the store closed, i was just gona do my closing procedures and dip. But I had complications wid the deposit for closing and it fucked me over. Big time ! I was so upset. But anyways, I ended up gettin outta here at 945pm. Smashed 80-90mph to dixon and got gas and then smashed the rest of the day off to Vallejo. Swooped my fellow OG Khea and then swooped baby from his house and was off to this dude Websters house. And it ended up bein a night of terror. Khea's ex and his new chick. Jem's ex of four years and his new chick. Jem's recent ex and whatever the hell that nigga had goin on. IT WAS ALLLL BAD. Walked into the house and found Jem hella faded. And a little too emotional. But you know, I had my girls back. It was a whole night of drama and awkward-ness. But we got through it and they ended up leaving. And my nigga Richard was there. The most unexpected thing ever ! Bitchass niggas like a bestfriend to me so it was coo to see a happy face despite all the craziness inda house. It woulda been a PGIRL AND PBOY NIGHT, buuuut missy Amanda is still on island territory. After everyone left and after I had to give a therapy session to my ever-so-emotional boothangthang [jem] for a bit. But my girl knows wsup. Mmm, it started gettin a little late so after we ended up takin robbie and khea wherever they needed to go, awkward moment inda car once agan. But I had Robbie wid Brian inda backseat and Khea as my right hand. Took Robbie home and dropped Khea off at another function. So it ended up cooooo.

After we went to babes house to get his car and smashed back to Sac. Hella funny cus he stopped in Fairfield to get gas and I just went straight to Sac, but somehow he still caught up to me. Ended the night laughin about the entire night's situation, but iss nothin. We coo as fuck and in love as ever. I love my baby ! It was indeed and fourth of July to remember.

Baby, I'll show YOU fireworks.

2:32am July 3rd: Its our One year and 9 month anniversary :D yaaaay. Mmm, well yesterday, I had to work 1-10pm, ahhh. The day took a toll on me. Busy Thursday, for no reason. And then after work, I chilled wid jem -My boothangthang ! Hahahah, no homo. While we were there, we had a little therapy session and venting everything ! As always. And then I came upon borrowin the movie Twilight from her. Since I've never watched it. Went home to an anxious worried baby of mine and ended the night wid hugs and kisses & twilight on the flatscreen. Hahahah ;) mmm, but man. Im a little disappointed in the movie, I expected too much from it through all the hype about twilight, but it was ... cooo. The ending was a real taker cus it wasn't even an endin, it was a transition to keep the interest goin I suppose.ANYWAYS ! Yes jem, I will return your movie. Haha goodness. Now I can say that I watched the movie. Like two months later after everyone else did, haha. Iss all gee!

12:42am, July 4th. Mmm, here I am to speak on the best chill day I've had ina while. So, we didn't even wake up til 3pm, hahaha. Dzaaamn, we were thaaat exhausted from, everything ;) the day wasn't weell planned at all but iss coo, it still went by smoothly. We took a shower, went to the bank, got some BK real quick and went back home. We chilled in our room, watchin The suite life of Zack and Cody and kept switchin to watch The Food Network. Hahaha, sooner or later we fell back asleep, but I aint complainin. It felt damn good to take a nap. I haven't had one of those in forever. Mmm, we woke up at like 8pm and baby had told me to get dressed. For what I asked ? In return I only got the response of a smile upon his face. Hahaha. So I did my hair, got dressed and off we were. Lookin about the direction we were goin, I got anxious :D we ended up at The Cheesecake Factory ! I was essss-cited. Baby let me order whatever I wanted, so from there I fucked wid the Shirley Temples, an appetizer, fresh bread, chipotle chicken pasta and topped it off wid the lemon raspberry cheesecake (: ya girl can eat ! Hahah, it grew into a perfect daaay today.


And I loved every second of it. Therefore, I end this post. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY !

Meet and greet.

Maybe 1/3 of my friends OR people that i'm acquaintances wid have always told me, "Khristine, i swear when i first met you, i thought you were hella mean" or i get, "I was hella scared to meet you cus I thought you were a bitch" hahahaha. I think that is lightweight funny. I hella know how i come off as a pretty strong minded, very bold speakin type girl, BUT i have love wid a heart like no other. I'm very opinionated and my true ass friends know me for just that. I speak my mind cus I hate keepin things bottled up inside. I speak my mind when I need to, wherever, to whoever. I learned a long time ago that keepin it to yourself just makes it 100 times frustrating. Cus inda end, you get nowhere. And inda end you're just gona be sittin there thinkin to yourself, "Damn, i shoulda said ____ or ____" and so forth. When you speak your mind, there is no shoulda. Its all out on the floor cus you've owned your beliefs and you know how and where you stand your grounds. I like knowing that i can control my feelings and how people recognize that particular trait right off the bat. But damn, i had like 3 people i know tell me that today and it made me realize,



Baby, its not every so often that I remind you over and over again how much I love you. I know I can be difficult, stubborn and hardheaded, but I know my silly ways, my funny faces and unlimited kisses and unconditional love makes you happy. "You are so WONDERFUL, to meeeee. You're everything I hoped for, you're eeeeeverything I need, you are so WONDERFUL, tooo meeee" Hahaha, and I know you like hearing my babywaby voice that makes your knees weak and lets you know ya girl gotchu thru everything no matter how old we grow together. I know I can be, winy and I complain alot. But no matter what, I know I have nothin to worry about cus I know you accept me, for me. You've seen me at my worst and seen alot of my best but regardless that never trespasses the visual of what you see deep down inside. Cus you know who I am and everything im about and what I stand for. You know everything about me baby. AND THAS WHY I WUUUV YOU.

Okay, now enough wid the lovey dovey. This aint no chris brown remix man. So its officially July, the month of surprises and the month where true summer festivities begin. I got alot planned this month. Exciting adventures, a new perspective on life, surprises for daaays, and a whole buncha otha goodies. And to be completely honest, I feel like I don't know where to start.

JUST TO GET THINGS CLEAR: As soon as people find out that Brian and I live together. Their first question is always the same, "How does it feel livin wid him?" this the time im gona take to speak out my inputs. First, its not like Brian and I decided to live together, it was kind of a last resort thing, but somehow it ended up workin out. I remember senior year we said that after highschoo we'd move out together, blah blah blah, but I mean, when you're in love like that, you dream of havin each other babies and shit too right. Hahaha, anyways. Livin wid my boyfriend is maaaad dope. Weell, idk bout otha people, but to me. Its cooooo. I think iss just cus Brian and I got good ass personalities and we "mesh" well wid eachother and we can accept eachother. Yeah, sometimes it gets hard cus I admit, we do have some differences, but its been about two months now and we love it. I wana say, it basically evens itself out since I'm barely ever home, im always at work and when I come, we eat together, sleep, wake up and im goin right back to work. But all in all, iss cooo. I mean, yeah we young. Yeah we got our own hobbies and do shit differently sometimes, but we both got to that stage where we can compromise like iss nothin. I can understand him and he can understand me.

Its wierd tho cus this is the first summer we're spendin together. We met inda middle of summer 07. We were broken up summer 08. But this year, we got it on lock.

Okay, enough rambling. Mmm, last friday, I went out to vallejo and chilled wid Jeralene cus the bitch had nothin to do that day, so I basically took over hers (: hahaha. Her moms was goin super bad on her that day for some reason so she just wanted to cut turf and we did. Went to craaackin ass Country Creamery, duhhh. Went to sextap (Tapex) for the draaank. And then went to the Fairfield mall cus I aint been there in forever and iss still the same boring ass bop central mall. Hahaha, so yalready know we left right when we got there, literally. Mmm, headed out to Vacaville cus Claudine's boyfriend planned up a surprise dinner for her, AWWWW ! Aint that shit hella cute. For hella long there was only 5 of us there and the waiter was waiting for dumbass long. I got kinda worried for a sec cus I thot it was only gona be us, but like 10 minutes before Claw and her bf came, more people showed up so it was cooooo. We ended up eatin on the outside patio of TGIF, cus it was dooope.

I felt hella bad cus my 08loves kept triena hit me up to come through and I took forever to get there. But I ended up goin still ! (: fucked wid like 2 shots but didn't wana do too much cus I still had to take jerahoe home. My girl jem had a good ass night tho ! Muahah. It was kinda awkward this time tho cus it was wid the Circle boys from the 06 class. RANDOM AS FUCK RIGHT !? But it was cooo. Mmm, I ended up leaving at midnight, but I got home like around 2ish ? Felt bad as fuck cus Brian was waiting up for me (: cutesy asss. But altogether, it was a cooo 707 trip.

At work iss a little hectic tho cus hella shit keeps comin up and im helpin wid all these different activities for the employees and take care of managin the store and almost ... EVERYTHING. There are only 3 main managers. Me, the Operations Manager. The Assistant manager and then the General Manager. There's like one Supervisor and the rest are Specialists. And outta everyone in leadership, im the youngest. But inda end, every penny is worth it, I LOVE MY JOB. For now. Hahah, I will NOT make it my career. Alright, so I think thas a good enough update for you guys. I WUV YOUUUUUU <3 !