Loyal to my soil.

I've been leavin this shit inda edit box but ima post it today for you muthabitches cus yall my folks but anywhoooo. Hahaha ...

Saturday: I was dyin at work ! Fuuuck. Wid two hoursa sleep and wid no energy, havin to do hella shit that I do at work, fucked everything up for me. I worked the full shift, yehnnoe the usual. And bitches was triena do that sickass shit and steal clothes from the store but you know my nigga LP officer got them, police came, and bitches got arrested. Hella funny cus they kept triena act like all they knew was spanish and my manager was talkin hella shit, cmon now, our shit is decent prices and you still can't afford that shit ? Fake ass wanna-be swag. A swag aint swag at all if yous a broke ass bitch. IMO. My managers are hella coo tho man, they stay crackin me up. But anyways, after the store closed, im inda main womans department, fixin everything up, sizin the clothes and then I fucked wid the table and started foldin, MAAAANNNN I was so tired doe. I started dozin off and shit. ALLLLLLL BAAADDDDD. I can't function wid 2 hours of sleep. Yehnnoe, im the kinda girl to get her usual 7-8 hours of sleep, the usual. Cus them sickass sleepy bags under the eyes do not be lookin cute. Hahaha. Afterwork, baby came thru to see me before he wenta vallejo. I was gona go cus charwifey was at nicks house and they had they own lil hype but I was not feelin it. Ya girl needed sleep ! So I stayed home and slept, ofcourse. Dreamin bout cashmoneys, the usual :D hahaha.

Sunday: this morning, I woke up hellllllllla rested. Smilin and shit like I just got some. Hahaha ! Nah, I think it was cus I had a goodass dream, but shit I aint mad. Took a sexy ass shower, got dressed, did the haair & smashed to work. Luckily I made it on time so I fucked wid the usual order at the barnes and noble starbucks. Got my discount (: you know, the usual.

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It was hella windy today doe ! The eff. Me and allergies do NOT click. I be gettint that mad face >:[ hahah. Good thing I had my handy dandy allergy pill. So I was coo. Worked the usual 12-8pm shift, yehnnoe. Bitches be on someshit tho ! Tell me why this bitch was triena get $2hunnid ona giftcard and wid a certain limit we need managers approval and theeen she had an old navy card right and when you use it iss automatic we gota check the proper identification. She was triena act hella scandalous thoooo, lookin for her ID hopin we'd just say "ohh iss okaay." But nah, and then my manager had the card in her hand and noticed the magnetic strip [like, the brown line where it reads it] inda back started comin off, IT WAS A FUCKIN STICKER. I did not know you could do that !!!! Ofcourse it was a stolen credit card but on topa that, the shit was a fake account ! So you know my manager took care of that bitch and again had the cops come thru and took her in custody. But DZAAAMNNN ! Really ? Our damn economy is in recession and people pullin shit like that !? NO WONDER ! I was truly amazed tho. I almost felt bad for th lady even. Like, damn. Thank god I gota job to pay for my shit in the most legit way. I love my wamu card and bank of america card =) anyways, I fucked wid the 10wing combo at wingstop for my lunch break mmm, cajun wings wid honey mustard and fries. THE. SHIT.

After works I smashed home slappin mac dre. Yehnnoe, the usual. Spoke to charwifey wid updates, yehnnoe the usual. Luhh that girl tho, she always got some juicy details to tell me. Baby came through and we had a latenight dinner. Goodass steak tho. Then we watched quick moovie, cuuddlies cuddlies cuuddlies, yehnnoe. And then we talked, tellin me how he bought some cologne from somebody sellin quality generic cologne inda parkin lot at marshalls. Hahaha but iss a legit company, someshit. It smells good tho. And you KNOW how I feel bouta good smellin man, ahh. I go craaaazyeee. All weak inda knees and shit =) I think thas a turn-on to me, when a man smells so damn good you just wana lick him. OKAAY SO ANYWAAAYS !

Yesterday: Slept in, for once =) gahhh. Wake up convo wid baby and he wenta work. I got ready and went to my brothers house for my nephews photoshoot day.

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Cuteass lil boyyyy. Later on inda day, spoke to trina bout how we wanted to go to the shooting range in rancho cordova, but I went home instead cus I wasn't feelin it for some reason. You know when you get those feelings when you don't feel like doin SHIT that day ? Thas how I felt, so I went home, took a 30 min hot bath and read some womens health magazine while I was in there. Hahahaha. Got out, stayed in my robe the whole day and painted my naails red, painted my toesies creamy tan [thas what iss called hahaha] and alla that goodshit ;) ended my night doin homework and readin this ridiculous english book. But iss coo cus it gets me my A for the semester since I gotsa 98.5% in the class :) fucks wid iiiiiit doe. Hahah.

TODAYYYYY: yalready know how my tuesdays go, yehnnoe the usual, im at sac city til 220. Had a lil chit chat wid charwifey this morning bout her stepmama. Dzaaaamn, I love my girl tho. Had shit hella crackin in careers class cus I got my careers assessment back. And got listed some pretty decent job interests. Life insurance agent ? Fucks wid the entrepreneurship =) marketing and advertising, ayyyyeee. ATTORNEY ? Whuuuus good. Hahaha, it said flight attendant and iuno about that cus iun wana fucks wid no terrorists. Hahaha.

But anywaaaays, after class, my classmates were triena go to some food place called stockton burger.

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So we went there and the food was HAAAAAILLLAAA good tho. Off stockton blvd. Get there. Niggas was hella nice too. And they bouta be havin sushi in there too ?! The haail. Lion king roolls and everything ! IM THERE. Thas it for now tho cus im bouta cutt turf. DIPSET.


Friday, friday, friday ... sigh. So my exam right ... *silence. It just wasn't crackin for me. I seriously hate that teacher wid a passion. After studyin for hella long, the test wasn't even what I expected. And she wasn't even clear on what concept she wanted us to use, therefore, I faailed my exam :( UGHHH. The second one I failed too. Thas when I knew tho, we wasn't gon click. I fucked wid the counselor appointment and dropped the class since I was already plannin on takin it again next semester. Stupid ass Math 100. Whatevs tho.

Drove home hella upset and almost ran a bitch over yesterday. ALLL BAD. Hahah. Iss coo tho. But anyways, I went home and took a nap to calm my ass down. Around 6 I started to get ready cus leanne and rickstopherton was comin through to the capitol city. Haha. Baby swooped me when he got off and chilled at his house til they showed up. Aint shit was goin down out here last night [hella weak] so we fucked wid the jackson rancheria.

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We wasn't allowed to take pictures inside. But whatevs. It was a coo lil hype. Me and leanne was on our shit for hella long, triena come up wid roulette [or however you spell that shit] and slots hahahah and was on the complimentary drinks hah. While rick and baby was makin shit happen at the tables. Three/four hours later, us girls was not lucky thoooo, fucked up. But the men were ! They came up a good profit too.

WHY WHY WHY. When we was on our way home tho, we got blurped ! For some dumbshit too. Nigga was triena fuck wid us. At 530am ! Takin alla our ID's and shit. Doin too much. But he let us go and we all slept over at babys house. I felt hella bad cus he had work at 11 this morning. So we hadda wake up at 9. Allllll bad. We prolly only got like 2 hoursa sleep. But it was cooo.

After behbeh went to work, leanne, rick and I went to get some food cus we was haaila hungry doe. Went to the pho house and it 'pho'sho hit the spot. Hahaha.

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Ricks moolah but he bastard didn't wana pay for us. Haha. Issall good tho. After that exam shit I wanted to drink lastnight tho maaan. Get it outta my system ! Iss coo tho, baby and I hadda talk and it had me calm down.

Coo lil friday I'd say. Today, I make cashmoneys sellin ya fav casual clothin -_- stupid old navy. Tahtah !


I really do blog too much. But who gives a fuck, this my shit ! I say what I say. Wheneva, whereva. And im watchin "Meet the browns" anyways, which btw is a funny ass, good, muthabitchin movie that I've watched literally 10+ times. So I gaaat tiiime.

Tell me why I just got off the phone wid char and there's never a dull moment. Weell, maybe when we sleepin cus you feel me, WE'RE FUCKIN SLEEPING. But damn, I never thot we'd be this damn close. Great minds think alike and char is my greatest main bitch doeee.

Ughhh, but can I just say, **don't you hate it when people get so caught up wid the hype and start feelin themselves too much they lose touch wid who they really are ? CUS I DO ! Bitches really don't get it. They can't define who themselves are nowadays, wtfuck is wrong wid that ? EVERYTHING. These girls that think bout when's the next time they gon get some dick besides when's the next time they gon TAKE A MUTHAFUCKIN SHOWER, would be caaaalled ? A silly ass sickass hoe. Damn, they can't check they shit one time ? Be real one time ? I think the top reason for why iss hard for me to get close to people cus I've suffered many friendships wid girls who've changed into somethin I didn't wana become. Girls who STAY worryin bout "what's that niggas name" or "ooo, that nigga is fine !" damn really ? Can we just talk bout politics one time ? Or talk about shoppin or yehnnoe why green tea is GREEN !? Fuck. I always had guyfriends but nothin more than that title. I never put myself into a vulnerable position like that. And once you get a reputation of a sickass HOE, it sticks witchu maaan. And that shit aint coo. They never been on the outside lookin in, they always into that one minded type shit.

Anyways ! Enough bout bitches. Im sicka that shit. I know which girls I could stick wid for the resta my life and which bitches that I shouldn't be fuckin wid ever again. ON THAT NOTE: I can't waaait to go ona vacay for spring break, iss really what im yearnin for. I stayed at the schoohouse today to finish my math homework online cus I wanted to practice for my stupid ass exam tomorrow, but I wasn't really feelin it. I managed to do as many questions I could to geta 85% score on as my chapter grade and left it at that. I coulda stayed to do more, but I wanted to go home. To go home to do what exactly ? Nothin in particular. Hahaha.

Man, I needa get out there and start actually talkin to people out here in sac to chill wid. I don't do shit out here besides work, go home. Go to schoo, go home. Chill wid family, go home. Or chill wid brian, spend the nizzight wid him and then go home. Pretty boring stuff ! Sac is sucha different ass world tho, at least thas how I feel. If I lived inda city, or back in the bay, whichever, it'd be all bad. But it sucks cus I wanted this in highschoo. To get faaaar away from everyone else. Iss coo tho, cus it'll all pay off inda long run. Okaay, okaay. My tiny ass fingas hurt. Ima try to download "why did I get married" onto my laptop. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THAT MOVIE, YOU FUCKIN SHIT UP ! Watch. that. movie <333333


the voice of a fuckin angel tho, iun care bout the dude cus he didnt sing shit in this video, but daaaamn, that song ! ADDICTED, ADDICTED, ADDICTED !

Bob Marley -

"You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She’s not perfect - you aren’t either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don’t hurt her, don’t change her, don’t analyze and don’t expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there."

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Weekly rituals.

Baby and I do so much together. Hence the fact that we don't really got anybody else to do things wid cus we're always focused on schoo and work rather than makin friends and such. Yehnnoe ? Shit, we got our friends back at home. We out here to focus on our shit. BUUT, a busy day that started so early inda morning began so beautifully =) I love wakin up to brian. He's so cute. Like a japanese cuddly bear that hugs you inda middle of the night or kisses me onda cheek inda morning =D im sucha lucky girl. I don't really express my feelings so deep, but in brians eyes, he always gives me that look, like I can just tell we're always gona be in love wid eachother cus we can't live without one another, crazy huh. I admit, we do got our problems here and there, but the look he gives ... thas when I know. Can't nothin feel better than what we got together. I gota deal wid his silly, goofy, fun, crazy ass for 87 years. [87 years is justa random number we came up wid statin how long we're gona be together. And we met eachother when we were 17, so when we're 104 years old, we die together but our love is forever.] Hahahahah, iuno what im talkin bout. But daamn, he's my shinin staaaar =) "honey YOU, aaawre maaah shinin star" hahaha, hella oldass song.

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Damn, anyways ! We started our day by goina walmart to get his things and I was gona get these eyelashes, but nah ima just order some online. And theeen we went to ross to look if they had brians cologne but they didn't, I hella had to use the restroom, but when I walked out, I seen this cuteass leather jacket =) SWOOPED. Hahah, a good investment. And then fucked wid the arden mall to go check if they had this watch I wanted at f21 but they didn't :( baby wanted to switch colognes but he was uncertain on which to get. We woulda stayed there to keep shopping but I got hella hungry. We went to arigatos off howe ave [GO. THERE.], which by the waaay is the dopest sushi place wid some gooood ASSSS sushi. Nigga, im japanese, I know what good sushi tastes like. Hahah. And their rolls are HALF OFF !? Ohh man. I didn't know when to stop. Hahaha. Nah nah, im jk. I prolly stopped after like the third roll.

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Its hazelbaby's birthday today. And my bitches are out bowling and shit without me. Wifey told me I was to be replaced for the night !? HAAAIL NAH, FUCK THAT. Can't NO bitch replace me. She know, she know. I miss my girls tho. Iss fuckin genuine as heeell how our two hour long distance can't break our friendship, we solid as fuck.


ALLA THIS SHIT WAS IN 06, damn you can HELLA change in three years. Well ofcourse, cus change is always good. But i'm lovin how life is now. I gota goodass job, im doin good in schoo and i'm wid the man of my dreams. But ayyeee, iss okaay to go down memory lane every once in a while, you dont know who you are unless you know what you've been through or is it ... you dont know where you're goin unless you know where you're from. WHATEVER. you get my vibe =) ahahahaha.

This is what i used to fucks wid ona daily. But NOW, ima good girl =)

Bonfires at ocean beach, everyone from fairfield to vallejo to alameda to the city.

EWWWWWW & tell me why i found this ...

ALRIGHT, so lemme first NOTE that this nigga is my EXBOYFRIEND. I just found it hella funny that alla sudden i found this shit. Ughhhh, dont worry baby if you eveer read this you know that i highly dislike this nigga cus he talked too much shit and i hadda chalk his ass to the game. BUT WHATEVS ! Cus i'm happily in love wid ...




"But baby, what if i dont wana wait !?" hahahahahaha. my girls crack me up. im easily enticed by songs like these ! maaaan. sing for brian on his 19th birthday !? AHHHH ! NOOOO ! Hahahah, shit i woulda sang to him on that fools 18th birthday infronta alla his family and friends, but ehhhhh. he fucked it up for himself wid that lil summer stunt he pulled wid his lil "bops" hahahaha, i love baby tho. he deserves good things and good things i will give. this year, i shall give that boy what he wants AND more. alla my girls rub shit in my face how he spoiled me wid the GOODS. tiffany's necklace, movado watch, a digital picture frame and a camera !? hahahaha. damn, what did i give him ? home-made love cards and teddy bears and shit -_- hahahaha. nah i know theres more i spoiled that boy wid i just cant think of em right now, but damn why he always gota top me !!!!!! cus im the princess in this relationship and baby gives mama what mama wants. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

"Boy I should slap you silly"

Ughh, iss real funny how niggas don't got no respect fa girls OR themselves. Dude really tried gettin back in for hella long when he was gettin kicked out. Wouldn't you feel embarassed ?! Hahaha, it wasn't like we was gon be like, "ahhh man iss coo, come back in" hahaha. The fuck. I prolly looked the craziest wid the shit I pulled that night. Bouta pull outta shank ona nigga for such disrespect. Why don't some people listen nowadays !? Haha, nah alla that shit was provoked and whas done is done. I had a good time still tho ! =) all for hazel too. Ohh and me and wifey get called drama girls ? HAH ! Nah, we just stay handlin ours ona daaaily. Iss sad some bitches can't do that for themselves. ANYWAYS ! Before goina the city, I was drivin right, goina my brothers house right, and then I seen this shit ...


Boss parking !? Yalready know. Hahaha. I really stopped traffic to take a picture off my kick.

Man tho, everytime I eat, I gota fucks wid the Louisiana hot sauce, this shit is fuckin tasty. Iss good wid everything too !


My ultrabitch's courtdate was today. Hopefully everything is coo and they just set my nigga free.

Damn, people be askin me why I don't fucks wid livin inda bay. But I mean, I have a life out here, havin work and schoo. I know out there I can't concentrate on my shit like I do out here. But im out there like swimwear whenever I needa break from this shit. Growin up where im from, I fucked up one too many times, procrastinated on hella shit, always kickin it wid my folks or doin some unimportant shit. Thinkin "the hype" was always gona get me somewhere until I seen and realized where that road leads. And I aint goin down that road. I aint got alla time inda world esp in my family's situation, so therefore thas why I like makin shit happen on my own =)

Anyways, this weekend made me realize how happy I am to have a man that accepts me for who I am and what im bout. Brian knows when im mad, I handle my shit one way or another. And tho I may overreact, iss better to do somethin then not do anything at all. And I can tell that he's proud to have an individual such as myself =) When we coooo, I can be the downest bitch you'll eveer meet whether iss a problem wid some nigga or some faulty ass bitch. Thas just how I am. Im the nicest sweetest girl but then I fadamnsure know howta stand my grounds correct. Momma didn't raise no fool. Hahah, I got the mentality of a sweetiepie but a heart of a fighter. All ina days work I'd say =) if you want somethin so bad, you fight for it. And baby, trust me, im ina battle. And im in it to win.

Trina Phillips.

Im takina break outta this fuckin reading book. Omgggg, trina asks me to blog alla time just so she can read my shit but she can't answer phone calls. Who does that ?! Stupid bitch. Hahah, issall love. Claw just reminded me today of how im missin my fuckin f21 jacket and a couple of my tees from my closet. AND my ny&c flats. Where the hell is all my shit goin !? I think I lost it in davis. Or maybe they're at brians house .... -_- hmmm. Iuno. I shall shop in LA to get rid of my terrible loss :( hahah. And on topa that, im cravin crepes. Party inda city tomorrow ? =)
I slept so good last night. Dzaaamn. For some reason when I told myself I'd study for my math test, I fell asleep instead. Haha. B wore me the fuck out the past couple days ! Weell iss coo tho cus I never get to sleep in and I finally got some hours in. Yesterday tho, wifey and I had a hotline talk bout how silly bitches be actin nowadays. And how you can trust none of these bitches cus of how they act and how they represent themselves. Why is it so hard for girls to be real nowadays ? I mean tho type of bitches that have the initiation to admit their faults and see what they did wrong, but naah bitches nowadays, they try sugarcoatin shit, bein all talk and triena make themselves higher than what they really are. HA ! Just like j-Lo I ask myself, "aint it funny"

Momma told me to keep distance from fake bitches. And I shall obey orders. Hahahaha.

Anyways ! The semesters over, ina month. Thank god ! Iuno when the summer semester starts, but I know I gota pick my shit up and get to it. I wana take a pilates class or suin at schoo. I NEED SOMETHIN TO KEEP ME ACTIVE. Shiet.

OH SHIT, I just realized, april 3rd is the snowboarding trip, and thas me and brians anniversary ! Ahh fuck, im hella fuckin up. Damn man. Iuno if ima fucks wid the trip then. Man, I feel hella bad I just now realized that shit. Wtfuck is goin on wid me !? Hahahahaha. Im just a lil dazed cus I keep thinkin bout LA. Haha

Trina called me last night while I was sleep, hahaha. Bitch stay screamin in my ear and shit. Triena wake up her own neighbors as well as mines. Hahaha. Whatta crazy ass bitch. Trina, if you read this, I MISS YOU HOE ! Hahaha. Remember when we went to the state fair and some bitch walked up to the counter thinkin it was her order and you slipt infronta her and said, "Mines bitch !" hahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahaha, that shit is still funny til this day.

Okaay, I'll say summo shit later. Toodles ! [Sayin that shit reminds me of my nephew and the mickeymouse clubhouse] hahaha, the fuck.


Even tho these songs have no relation to me- CUS BABYS BEEN MAKIN ME HAPPY, the thought of these songs makes me sympathetic to people to DO have relations to these songs. Depression is so common esp at this age when people are full of emotions, but the reason why they feel that way, is cus they dont have that specific type of motivation, which makes me wana do what i wana do as a career. Counsel relationships and marriages. Motivational speaker. To tell people that they dont have to struggle or suffer off a certain situation cus they KNOW what good they have in their life, but they focus their mind otherwise. i've seen and witness many depression actions and what they do and how they live their life, I DONT WANT THAT IN ANYONE'S LIFE. "You only have one life, but a million ways to live it."

DAMN THOOOO, these songs. got me heartmoved.

WOOOOO, maricres and maryann santa ana be shittin thoooo. iuno who that dude is, but he pretty coooo.


man, i hate online homework. those teachers that make you go outta your way to go ona computer to do some freakin homework just cus they're too damn lazy to print that shit and grade it themselves. hahaha, nah honestly, i wouldnt wana print 500+ papers and grade em either.

I had my english midterm today. iuno how i did, but for me to study 2 weeks straight wid 90+ flashcards, I BETTTA HAD PASSED THAT SHIT ! my teacher seen me studyin before the test and she looked at me hella crazy. i, myself thought i was crazy goin though them flashcards 3 or 4 times a day. UGHHH.

i'm tired. and i should be focusing on homework right now. i just got done typin up two 2 page essays. and a reflection essay about stupid nature things. wthhhhh. hahaha. all i really want ? is for spring break to come up and i can git my ass to LA already ! fuck. is that so much to ask !? i'm dyyyyyin. and i got work this weekend and on topa that, i might be on that city hype cus you knowwww it aint a good weekend unless im wid my girls.

SPRING BREAK, SPRING BREAK, SPRING BREAK. Alla this hardwork, is for them lil vacay trips wid my girls and baby thas soon to come. I CANT WAIT !

"There aren't enough hours ina day"

A busy ass day, once again. And ona schoonight ? Haha


Spent the first night wid baby and started the night wid a big smile on my face =) baby and I been busy wid schoo and work and finally found some time for just US.


The 90+ study cards for my fuckin english midterm tomorrow. And I pretty much got my shit down to exact. But shit les just hope I remember by tomorrow hence the fact that I'm still wid B tonight =) fuckkk. Haha.


Went and fucked wid the oil change at jiffylube but only for an oil change. Don't fuck wid nothin else ! Watch the youtube jiffylube scam. Makes you wana do shit on ya own insteada payin for shit that don't even happen.


Damn tho, me and baby really did hella shit today. Went everywheeeeere. Ona random hype too, we didn't even plan today and today fadamnsure wasn't no special occasion to be celebrated you feel me. Hah


Visited my family's newly bought and paid house. Nomore moving around for me and moms. Finalllyyyy settling down. Ahhh, hahah. But wtfuck, creekside ? Haaaail nah.

Old sacramento visit. Thanksbaby :D

And even the muthafuckin downtown plaza. Got me some f21 sunglasses and accessories for my LA trip =) whas goooooood (: hahaha.


And on THAT note, I say my goodnights. Dueces hoe ! Im wid baby again tonight and damn it sure feels damn good to have him at my side (: my man stay down fo me. Ughhh, I fuckin love him.
This cutie !


4 months old and this lil man looks like he's one years old ! He don't even cry. But he drools helllaaaaa. Them lips don't support him much cus the drool falls out like a river ! Fam parties are crazy now tho. I swear I got like every major asian race. Vietnamese, japanese, chinese -due to my "stepmother" that I don't even consider family- and filipino. Imagine the different varieties of food ! Imagine how many times they gota cook rice ! Fuuuuck maaan. Hahaha.

Too focused.

Damn it amazes me how I manage to stay concurrent by juggling more than one priority atta time. Everyday I always got hella shit to do and at the enda the day, when issall done I be feelin damn good. Last night baby was up playin video games and alla that nonsense, but was I gona stay up and wait fa him to go to sleep ? Haail nah. Hahah, I KO'd on his ass ! =) sowwy baby. I woke up late this morning, but in record time I did my haair, got dressed, brushed my teeth and did my eyeliner and alla that goodshit. And I still got starbucks. Muthafucka im illlllin. Hahaha. Anywhooo. Last night hella fam was drinkin and shit, triena get me to stay and chill wid em. But damn, I gota study at least two hours per night two weeks before a test for me to understand my shit completely. I may not be the smartest bitch, but I do try more than most to get whas done. I gota midterm on thurs. So yalready know I gota get shit done. Ya girl bought flashcards and everything. And they bright colored too ! Fucks wid it =) I know by doin good on my tests and in schoo, ima feel better to go places and reward myself by doin thangs I like. LA ?! Ayyyeee. Works been triena fuck me over wid hella hours and tho I'd like to have the hours, I gota focus on schoo. Cus I know inda long run ima be gettin moooo' money bruh ! Recommended for a keyholder position, but damn I can't even do it. I already put enough hours at the workhouse and now they triena get me to devote my life there, hahaha. Fuckalla that.

Baby and I been doin reaal good. We both on our grind so we can afford our dream house and be financially able to have our future together =) right baby ? Ughhh, I love my man. I know we got our differences but baby I know thas how we learn from eachother. No matta what we got 87 years together to love eachotha, hahaha. Don't ask how we got that number. But yawwwmm.

Man tho, re-evaluating friends is easy fa me nowadays. I went through tons of fake bitches and bitches who be feelin themselves too much in highschoo to get me started instantly. Hahahaha. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU IS ?!" hahahah. Maayn. Iss whatever. Some of these bitches aint even on my level to fuck wid me so why should I give them the time. I surround myself wid those who got the same goal as me and alla that hype shit, AINT ME. Cus bitch I got my own ! =)

Im really in class right now. Not payin attention cus she readin shit over and over again I already read to myself last night. Anyways ! We gon geta basketball court in our backyard at the house. Wsup baby !? Hahaha. Make like usher and letme ask you, "can you handle it ?" Hahah, toodles <3 bitch

The number one bitchass haters: DOUBLE A. Damn they really got hater marks all over they blogs about us huh wifey. But us ? We do things ina nice way. Corey, two can plaay that game. Even tho you're a bitchass assholee, we still love you ...sometimes.

Girls night out.

Didn't even really go as planned hahah. Tell me why that day was another busy ass day fa me. Damn, my fridays be fuckin me over ! Math class inda mornin for 3 hourssss. Went home to eat, went straight to work and even got off early got them bitches told me they was gona come early. But noooo ! Hahaha, fuckin filipinos. Always doin shit at they own time. Hahaha, issall good tho cus I got my daily nap outta the way (: the girls and I ate at cheesecake factory and had this dopeass server named Nicole tell us wsup about sac hiphop clubs, hahah. And then after chilled wid the "double A" niggas and they friends hahahaha. Hella funny (: yesterday, I had work inda morning and then came home and just lounged all day, cleanin, doin naails, and alla the goodshit. Baby came through to say bye to me before he went to rick's brother's baby "welcoming" or somethin hahaha. Why is everyone havin babies !? The fuck maaan. After that tho, I studied for my damn english midterm cus this fuckin teacher's givin us 70 vocab words to memorize and 3 chapters to study over. Whatevs tho. Stupid bitches trina ley and they friend came through to visit me at 1am !? Foreal ? Hahah. Funny ass shit tho. But it was whatevs (: todaaay, what else do I do on sundays ? Im gon be at work -_- alllll damn day. Brians comin through tonight too I think, ahhh. Hahah, enough wid my lifestories. All I gota say, I love my girls ! Im hella mad I didn't party last night tho, shit always happens when im not there.

Charlene Banzon.

This muthafuckin blog post is contributed to my muthafuckin wife charbeezybaby. My sweetass bitch wrote about me on hers ? This is gon be bout her. I don't give a damn if you nosey fucks readin my shit know her or naht, but les get started.

For one, this the only bitch that would seriously drive long distances to chill. Not every once ina while, every damn weekend (: well, lately. Shiet, iss nothin ! Not even to party my nigga, but to chill. Aint that a friend thooo, yesh it sho is. Naht someone thas always about the "hype" and alla that dumbshit that everybody else do, this bitch likes to chill, go out ta eat, exercise, nigga she likes to make bracelets and shit hahahahaha ! A friend. Not an associate. Im not the typa person to just hit my girls up outta random to be like, "where the party at !?" pshh hell nah, yehnnoe how we roll ? "When we goina eat on friday !" hahaha, yalready know a bitch likes to eat so what babygirl wants, babygirl gets. I stayyyy hungry ! MUTHAFUCKA ! She already know how I get down, ima the typa friend that may say someshit you don't like sometimes, tell you shit you needa hear not givina fuck if you like it naht. I say shit necessary by all means cus im the bitch to care. I meaaaan, I may be a bitch but I shoo do got alotta love. Trust that. But dzamn, iss funny to know some bitches can't stand the heat ! Bitch then git out my kitchen cus im cookin up somethin good ! Shiet. Im stubborn, straight up and really don't give a fuck bout whatta hater gota say. Ask me if I care, ask me in my face and you'll see how legit of an answer you'll get. Besbelieve it ! And the thing is, my wifey on the same level (: no matta what we go through, we come out every situation supa thick. Is you maaaad bitch !? Upgrade yourself, asap.

So tell me why I hella just fell down my stairs. Haha, but iss all good cus im not a pregnant bitch so nobody was injured ! Im fuckin tired. Im hella hella juiced for april tho ! Hmmm, baby's spring break is comin up, he wants to go somewhere (: and then the friday before mines starts, im goin shnoowwwwboarddding (: and then the next weekend, me and my girls are goin ona ? ROAAAADTRIIIP BIIIIIITCH ! Me and wifey really makin shit happen. What is good !? (Chinese accent) "you wahhnt pawtee we make speshoo plan fo you" hahahahaha ! Wtfuck.

I got a fuckin math exam tomorrow :( and I got eng midterms next week. And my own muthafuckin boyfriend who's a damn "mathmatician" would rather cuddle than help me wid my work ! Whatta asshole. Hahaha, nah. I need to get this math shit down tho. But fuck, I hate math. I got my english exam results =) I got B. Yeee muthafuckin eeeee, bitch ! Hahaha. I needa quit fuckin around tho in my math class. I don't understand why im takina 5 unit class, thas one day a week, thas for THREE fuckin hours -_- fmlllll.

So anyways, for LA right. Im gon buy a swim suit right. And then me and the girl are gon go tan at the beach right. Hahahaha, and then we gon party [maybe] right. Iss gona be so much fun ! And then we gon hit up universal studios and alla that nice shit. I can't be spendin money, im triena do some muthafuckin damage in LA. Fuck, I gota pay my bills soon tho cus they comin up. Issall good tho. Im gettin this cheddah =)
Iss really been abouta month since I last updated this shit. Dzaaamn. But schoo and work, either or, thas whas been goin on. Fuckkk. Haha, OR im wid brian OR wid family OR in davis OR wid charwifey and the girls. Hahaha. Doin our weekly ritual and shit. Ever since my birthday too damnear everyweekend I see my mains. Love that shiettttt. BUT ANYWAYSSS. Damn, too bad I can't post any pictures while im doin this on my phone and shit. Whatever. I just been hella busy lately. Wid different ass shit. Triena keep up wid birthdays, work, schoo, HELLA schoowork and my girls. Baby and I almost broke up the day of our anniversary. MY STUBBORN ASS. But damn, one little phrase did it all, "I can't find it in my heart to let you go" :( dzaaamnnnnn. That shit made me melt it was sucha kodak moment.

Poor baby, I be puttin my man through hella shit ! But iss fadamnsure he love me through whatever ! And I love him no matter how many times I try to pick fights wid him. Hahaha, man tho. Im fucked up sometimes, I know my shit too. I like to argue iuno why, hahaha. Iss coo tho, I got too much love for him. Baby and I been good as fuck. Talkin bout when we first met (: when we first chilled (: when we first kissed (: and when we first ... (; HAHAHAHA anyways. Damn, and the stupid bitches that don't got they own lives. Triena fuck wid me but got they asses handed to them inda long run. Stupid bitches. But baby knows that he aint gon find no betta love. And thas quoteddd !

Aye tho, im hella excited for spring break. Snowboarding and goina LA ? Fuck mannn. Im gon end up broke cus I know ima be cashin out left and right on stupid shit. Nah naaaahhh. Ima needa budget. Wenta the club last friday. It was coo. Baby got off work early fa me to make sure no niggas got at his babygirl (: it was coo tho, to be inda city insteada sac. Shiet. Went wid alla the ucd girls. They get shit crackin (: "octaaviaaaa !" hahaha, love monica. I got midterms next week, so Ima end this here to study. Nightzaahhh !

I missed out on the dress memo. hahaha  =)
That daaaamn shirt )